Morning all!
@bushmasterar15 heres my week 8 update for the short stuff seeds Star Dawg. Give her a decent trim up to let light through seeing as her fat sister has taken the tent up! Have a good day all!
Short Stuff GOTY Update Week 10 - @bushmasterar15

Week 9 updates all lost. Gonna just post as usual.

Auto Gorilla Bigfoot is pretty much done at Day 72. Gonna give her another week but may chop earlier if weather is too humid. She had some bad CalMag def but I kinda overlooked it and thought it was just heat stress. So the yellowing leaves will wither and possibly cause mold. We'll see how she does.

Need a chop code dear TL
Update Week 9 and week 10

Tag:- @bushmasterar15

Due to some AFN problems, Updates have been erratic.... So here we have a catch up post covering 2 weeks.

No Changes to report, but have had a bit of a testing time keeping Temps & Rh% where needed.

Photos taken on dates identified below.

24th June 2019
StarDawg 24th June 2019 Bud.jpg

29th June 2019
StarDawg 29th June 2019.jpg

StarDawg 29th June 2019 Mid Level Bud.jpg

StarDawg 29th June 2019 Bud.jpg

05th July 2019

StarDawg 05th July 2019.jpg

StarDawg 05th July 2019 Bud.jpg

Buds are very sticky and smelly, I anticipate another 2, maybe 3 weeks to go, 1 week of that will be on water only diet.


I know we've lost a few update posts from server downtime and reloading to new host so we'll just carry on as normal. We're on the last few days of week 10 checkoffs and then the final few growing weeks till the Final pics are Due by July 24th so voting poll can run July 25th - August 1st.

For final code on card use
ShortStuff 420
(date of harvest)

@The Iconoclast