@bushmasterar15 Chugging along hopping to catch up soon with the late start.
Stardawg 06022019.jpg
Not an Update

Just practising a "Winning Battle Cry"


What a difference 2 days makes...

So glad I selected this girl as my "Battle Plant"


StarDawg 03rdt June 2019.jpg


Gladiator "Rudiarius" Reporting In (with his "Big Stick")


Dun dun...dun duh dun dun...dun dun dunnnn....

Welp. None of my girls are small. I'd only consider one a "behemoth" for the age at this point though, and that's the one at the back right. I didn't have my tape measure with me, but I'd say it's close to, if not over 3' tall so far.