OLD REVIEWS Short Pheno Sour Diesel Haze Test Grow

Thanks for the low down Muddy and LBH! LBH you know I've been wanting that so as soon as it's available put me on the list of buyers as well! :dance: Can't WAIT for that Lemony Goodness...
Thanks, I didn't know that. Usually everyone is trying to make them bigger, not smaller. Leave it to you to do it ass backwards. :D

indeed Muddy watch out people lot of fake ones out there.( they even coppy somtimes my strain discription)
only one thing i dont work on the SDH large pheno i had it already in large maked and i make later on the Sort pheno SDH lol :D
i know Muddy (i have been years ahead on other breeders) but i have a lt of auto haze types and crosses all selectted for years for bigger type of auto and like you can see they are bigger (look picture down 100% auto SDH)
now some seedsbanks like stitch wanted smaller types of auto's? so i had also some seeds from Dieselryder X auto SDH i put those up and selected the most smaller types and cross the males back too some smaller auto SDH
and from those seeds i selected smaller till F2 and thats SDH short pheno :smokeit:

Yes, they certainly are bigger. Whatever the motivation, I'm sure glad you made it. It is a wonderful strain, especially for diesel lovers like me.

i know Muddy (i have been years ahead on other breeders) but i have a lt of auto haze types and crosses all selectted for years for bigger type of auto and like you can see they are bigger (look picture down 100% auto SDH)
now some seedsbanks like stitch wanted smaller types of auto's? so i had also some seeds from Dieselryder X auto SDH i put those up and selected the most smaller types and cross the males back too some smaller auto SDH
and from those seeds i selected smaller till F2 and thats SDH short pheno :smokeit:
the motivation whas i cant grow haze here outdoor in holland and i do big geurilia grow and it dont pay good (outdoor harvest)
so i maked LBH's Autoflowering Haze and cross it too with good selling strain like Dour Diesel cutting
so i sell thise like indoor grow do i had mid summer good outdoor harvest and Haze pay's aslo lot more $$
wen i get a small police bust i dint care no more(secretcy) and just put some pictures from auto SDH and auto Haze on the internet (forums)
and i get every day some prived mesagges that people what too buy even seedbanks
so i think why not make seeds? and i still on working too sell too seedbanks whitout be ripptoff and pay for my work

here some of mine Geurillia grow (just a small part youtube can have bigger/longer video lol)
i hoop too do a big outdoor grow of mine LBH's Autoflowering Haze next year but i hoop that will not be a summer like this year becorse all summer no sun and every day rain!!!!!!!
I love the diesel also. I'm interested in the larger pheno myself.....Any release date on that? Thanks and stay toking my friends.
This has swinged it for me now! Thanks for sharing muddy :smoked: