New Grower Shady's Micro Grove: Twisted Trees, Aliens, and Nectar. First Journal, Second Grow.

Days 10 - 16
Week 2+ (Days 10 - 16)
70-74F (night) / 74-77F (day)
55-65% rh
Lights @ 35% 20/4

Busy week for me and the plants.

Some notable things this week:
- Full week of 20/4 light cycle. They are now sleeping at night and praying an hour or so after the lights come back on.
- Started foliar feeding with Photosynthesis+.
- Got the AC Infinity Controller 67.
- First slurry test.
- First feeding of "Autofuel."
- Out of seedling and into veg!

The new AC Infinity controller is a nice upgrade (I bought the the model with only the speed control). The probe seems to match the other hygrometers I have in the tent, and the phone app is surprisingly decent and easy to use. Should be handy in the later parts of the grow to help deal with heat and humidity.

Autofuel! So, this is a NFTG "recipe" that I got from the person who sold me the Mosca seeds. It is supposed to help promote growth early on in the plants life. This post here explains it better than I ever could:

I am also planning to use a slightly modified version of his foliar spray for this grow as well (I'll write more about that next post when I actually use it).

I also took a slurry test, and the numbers look to be right where they should be:
| Day | Starting  | TM        | AMR       |
|  12 | 6.5 / 211 | 6.5 / 379 | 6.5 / 480 |

In other news, I am also going to be out of town this next weekend (days 21 - 24) for a wedding! Slightly nervous about leaving things that long, but they should be fine....I am setting up my blumat this week just in case though.

Anyway...heres the log, (I took a lot more pictures than whats here, but they arent great, so I only included the better ones):

Day 10
Ful-power foliar feed

1 cup each of seedling tea w/ Hygeia Hydration
Water @ 6.6 pH

Day 11
Ful-power foliar feed

Install new fan controller!

1 cup each of seedling tea w/ Hygeia
Water @ 6.6 pH / 323 ppm

Day 12
Slurry test

Day 13
Foliar feed before lights out.
Recipe per 1 cup distilled water:
| Hygeia    | 1/8 tsp |
| Ful-power | 1/4 tsp |
| Photo+    | 1/4 tsp |



Day 14
2 cups, 1 cup each plant
| Kraken  | 1/4tsp |
| Zeus    | 1/4tsp |
| Hygeia  | 1/4tsp |
| Dr Root | 3/4tsp |
| SLF100  | 1/4tsp |
Water @ 6.4 pH / 679 ppm

Day 16
Foliar feed with leftovers from day 13

First increase of light, to approx 40%

4 cups, 2 cup each plant
| Kraken  | 1/2tsp |
| Athenas | 1/2tsp |
| Zeus    | 1/2tsp |
| Hygeia  | 1/4tsp |
| Dr Root | 3/4tsp |
| SLF100  | 1/2tsp |
Water @ 6.6 pH / 523 ppm

Added Athenas Aminas to the "Autofuel" for some amino acids. Next feedings will be the standard nutes, they are looking a bit hungry.



Bonus pic of my buddy helping me update my journal
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Should I be worried about the little discolorations in the first leaves there? I'm thinking they are getting hungry already, looks like the beginning of some sort of def or veinal chlorosis? I am going to start feeding them stronger feedings tomorrow (day 18).
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Should I be worried about the little discolorations in the first leaves there? I'm thinking they are getting hungry already, looks like the beginning of some sort of def or veinal chlorosis? I am going to start feeding them stronger feedings tomorrow (day 18).
I had a plant that showed interveinal chlorosis during veg. If you look around it seems a lot of LED growers complain about it. Depending on where it shows on the plant, I know both magnesium and iron deficiencies are potential culprits.

In my case, I did foliar feed with epsom salts and the plant eventually grew out of it as it transitioned to flower.
70-74F (night) / 74-77F (day)
55-65% rh
Lights @ 35% 20/4
I had a plant that showed interveinal chlorosis during veg. If you look around it seems a lot of LED growers complain about it. Depending on where it shows on the plant, I know both magnesium and iron deficiencies are potential culprits.

In my case, I did foliar feed with epsom salts and the plant eventually grew out of it as it transitioned to flower.

Thanks for the info! I looked up some more pics of mag def and that may be what it is. I'll try feeding em Nectar's calmag (Demeters Destiny) and see if it helps.
Should I be worried about the little discolorations in the first leaves there? I'm thinking they are getting hungry already, looks like the beginning of some sort of def or veinal chlorosis? I am going to start feeding them stronger feedings tomorrow (day 18).
It seems like when they are young and getting minimal nutes that I get that going on and then it goes away in the new growth. I have just started using Nectar and am outside right now. I will better no what to expect when I move inside again. Lots of Herculean Harvest so far. I had to give them some feather tea for a while as they were looking a bit yellow.
Days 18 - 25
Days 18 - 25
Environment (day/night):
76-79F / 70-74F
Lights @ 20/4

Another busy week for myself and the plants...

Some notable things this week:
- Power outage for 8 hours on day 19
- Out of town from days 20-24, set up blumats (they are awesome!)
- Using modified "Autofuel" foliar spray
- First LST
- Increasing light intensity every day, now to approx 60-70%

Despite the power going out and being out of town, the plants seem to be doing great. Maybe they are trying to tell me that they do better when I leave them the fuck alone...

I think the reason they did so well while I was out of town was the Blumats, I am definitely going to consider using them more in future grows...but I think for this time I am going to stick to my original plan and only use them while I'm away.

I am also using another "Autofuel" recipe for my foliar feed:

The only change I'm making is that I am adding kelp to it. Kelp is supposed to contain micronutrients and promote branching and flowering sites. Kelp and fulvic/humic complement eachother when used in a 5:2 ratio (or in my case, 2:1).

Day 18
Foliar w/ distilled water (recipe per 1 cup):
| Dr Growth | 1/2 tsp |
| Ful Power | 1/2 tsp |
| Poseidon  | 1/4 tsp |
| Photo+    | 1 tsp   |

Topdress 1 tbsp each one shot

Fed just over 2 cups each of (recipe per gallon):
| Medusa  | 1tsp   |
| Gaia    | 1tsp   |
| Athenas | 1tsp   |
| Hygeia  | 1/2tsp |
| Herc    | 1tsp   |
| Zeus    | 1tsp   |
| SLF100  | 1tsp   |
Water @ 6.4ph / 630ppm



Day 19
Foliar in the morning before power goes out (same bottle as from day 18)

Power out for 8 hours!

Plants are doing OK after power outage.

feed each 1 cup of (recipe per gallon):
| Medusa  | 1tsp   |
| Gaia    | 1tsp   |
| Athenas | 1tsp   |
| Hygeia  | 1/2tsp |
| Herc    | 1tsp   |
| Zeus    | 1tsp   |
| SLF100  | 1tsp   |
Water @ 6.3 pH / 410 ppm
This should get the moisture level to where I need for the blumat hopefully

Set up blumat!

Use 6.3 water with 1tsp of SLF100 1/2tsp fish sh!t in blumat res.

TM left AMR right

I also got stoned and inspired at 1am and did some initial LST for AMR, she is at her 5th node already!

Day 20
Quick shot before I leave

Day 24
Home, they're alive and thriving! The Blumats seem to have done their job.

first major LST session

Increase lights to approx 60-75%ish, want a little bit less stretching if possible now

Day 25
First IPM spray:
1 cup distilled water, and just under a 1/4tsp of Cultured Biologix Mercenary.

Feed 2 cups each (recipe per gallon):
| Medusas  | 1.25tsp |
| Gaia     | 1.25tsp |
| Athenas  | 2tsp    |
| Demeters | 1tsp    |
| Hygeia   | 2tsp    |
| Herc     | 2tsp    |
| Zeus     | 1tsp    |
| SLF100   | 1tsp    |
Water @ 6.5 pH / 624ppm

These are the bottles that come with the sample pack along with Hygeia (Nectar's yucca extract) and SLF100. This is what I would consider my "base" feed. I will use the same bottles throughout the grow, but in varying amounts.

I will increase Medusas and Gaia until I get to 2tsp max, the One Shot I am using is basically the dry amendment version of those two, so I shouldn't need to push too hard on them.

Starting to add Demeters here as I think there is a mag deficiency on both plants (as per advice here, thanks!)




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Nice update and thanks for posting all the numbers. Very interesting to be able to follow along and see the changes to the feed and then the plant response as well. That foliar recipe is a great find as well.
Days 26 - 32
Days 26 - 32
Environment (day/night):
78-80F / 70-74F
Lights @ 20/4 (approx 70-80% now)

We are officially in bloom! Plants are loving life so far, the AMR is a bit bigger (and more vigorous) than the TM, but both are doing waaay better than my last grow at this stage.

Some notable things this week:
- Starting flower stretch
- First IPM spray (using Cultured Biologix Mercenary)
- First Bloom Khaos foliar feed!
- First (and only) veg tea
- First (of many) bloom teas
- Switched to bloom lights on my BudgetLED

One of the biggest things I've changed this grow is how I am watering. I am only feeding each plant about 2-3 cups of water this time, and trying to feed every day or two. Last time I was giving them 4-5 cups each watering and waiting about 3 days before watering again. The plants really seem to be responding being more consistently moist and being fed more often, but less. I may start going away from strict feed-feed-tea/flush and start feeding a bit more if I am able to keep up with watering everyday. I am also trying to water as SLOWLY as possible, and watering from the edges in. This is keeping the top layer less compact so the water isn't pooling at the top much (which happened last time).

This is also the very first time I am using Bloom Khaos as a foliar. I used it as a soil drench last grow and it yellowed stuff real quick, so I am going super easy with it this time. Khaos needs about a 5:1 ratio with Herc, so 5tsp/gal Herc to 1tsp/qt of Khaos. I am also trying to foliar feed as much as I can here before I fully go into flower, and if possible, follow a "Autofuel - Khaos - IPM" spray schedule. The Dr. Growth in the "Autofuel" foliar contains chelated calcium, which is what Khaos needs, so doing it the day before should help.

I also took another slurry test this week, this time using distilled water. I used pH water last time (as my tap water has a fairly high pH), which apparently is not great, so this time (and going forward) I will be using distilled water.
  | Day | Starting  | TM        | AMR       |
  |  12 | 6.5 / 211 | 6.5 / 379 | 6.5 / 480 |
  |  28 | DISTILLED | 6.7 / 340 | 6.7 / 288 |

Numbers are right on the money, ppms are even lower than I expected! These ladies are hungry.

Day 26
Foliar feed my modified "autofuel" recipe

Feed 1 cup per plant (recipe per gallon):
| Medusas  | 1.25tsp |
| Gaia     | 1.25tsp |
| Athenas  | 2tsp    |
| Demeters | 1tsp    |
| Hygeia   | 2tsp    |
| Herc     | 2.5tsp  |
| Zeus     | 1tsp    |
| SLF100   | 1tsp    |
Water @ 6.5 pH / 630ppm

TM left, AMR right

Day 27
Defoliate AMR - remove 3 leaves
IPM spray

2.5 cups per plant (recipe per gallon):
| Kraken    | 1tsp |
| Aphro     | 1tsp |
| Hygeia    | 2tsp |
| Herc      | 3tsp |
| SLF100    | 1tsp |
| EZVeg     | 1tsp |
| Fish Sh!t | 1tsp |
| Photo+    | 1tsp |
Water @ 6.3 pH / 380ppm
This is my "Tea/Flush" recipe (give or take the kraken). I figured the Blumat days when I was out can count as "tea" days (as it was only water and SLF100 + Fish Sh!t).

TM left (top), AMR right (bottom)

Day 28
Calibrate pH and perform slurry, using distilled water this time
| TM        | AMR       |
| 6.7 / 340 | 6.7 / 288 |

Foliar autofuel

Feed 1 cup each (recipe per gallon):
| Medusas  | 1.5tsp |
| Gaia     | 1.5tsp |
| Athenas  | 2tsp   |
| Demeters | 1tsp   |
| Hygeia   | 2tsp   |
| Herc     | 3tsp   |
| Zeus     | 1tsp   |
| SLF100   | 1tsp   |

LST and defoliate both, two leaves off of TM, one or two off of AMR


Day 29
ipm spray

Day 30
Foliar autofuel

Feed 2 cups each (recipe per gallon):
| Medusas  | 1.5tsp |
| Gaia     | 1.5tsp |
| Athenas  | 2tsp   |
| Demeters | 1tsp   |
| Hygeia   | 2tsp   |
| Herc     | 3tsp   |
| Zeus     | 1.5tsp |
| SLF100   | 1tsp   |

Remove approx 3 leaves from TM, 1 leaf from AMR


Day 31
Khaos, using just under 1/8tsp in a cup of distilled water. If all things go well, I will increase this slightly.

2.5 cups per plant (recipe per gallon):
| Kraken    | 1tsp |
| Aphro     | 2tsp |
| Hygeia    | 2tsp |
| SLF100    | 1tsp |
| EZBloom   | 1tsp |
| Fish Sh!t | 1tsp |
| Photo+    | 2tsp |
Water @ 6.4 pH

AMR left, TM right (used the opposite direction on my phone for this one I guess, too lazy to actually fix it, sorry)

Day 32
Feed 2 cups each (recipe per gallon):
| Medusas  | 1.5tsp |
| Gaia     | 2tsp   |
| Athenas  | 2tsp   |
| Demeters | 1tsp   |
| Kraken   | 1tsp   |
| Hygeia   | 2tsp   |
| Herc     | 4tsp   |
| Zeus     | 1.5tsp |
| SLF100   | 1tsp   |
Water @ 6.4 pH / 865 ppm

Increasing the amount of Herc to account for Bloom Khaos. I am also going to start adding Kraken here, my reasoning is that its got a good amount of P. I'm also going to slowly lower the amount of Medusas as I won't need as much N now.

I accidentally overfed here! I had slightly less water than I thought, so I actually fed approximately 20% more than what's listed here.


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  • day29-tm-amr-canopy.jpg
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Days 33 - 43
Days 33 - 43
*Environment (day/night):*
82-85F / 70-74F
Lights @ 20/4

Been busy with things so its been a while since my last update. I'll keep this will be short and sweet.

Flower stretch has started (and hopefully stopped!). Things BLEW UP since my last update! I am feeding them fairly heavily, and they seem to be loving it. The TM has caught up to AMR and now has the bigger main cola, but AMR has more even colas. TM continues to pray heavily, it also has thinner leaves than the AMR.

Some noteable things this week:
- Probably last week of foliars
- Broke and fixed a top during LST
- Amended soil with One Shot and EWC

Day 33
LST for both.
Broke a stem on AMR! Taped it back up, but I'm not too worried if it survives or not.

Day 34
First major top dress to get me through flowering. I am going away for a day in about 3 weeks and I am thinking about setting up the Blumat for that weekend again. If I do, this should be more than enough to feed it for a few days.
Topdress for flowering (per plant):
| One Shot | 4 tbsp |
| EWC      | 4 tbsp |
| Biochar  | 2 tbsp |

I mixed these all up and scratched it into the top layer of the soil.

Feed 2 cups per plant (recipe per gallon):
| Medusas  | 1.5tsp |
| Gaia     | 2tsp   |
| Athenas  | 2tsp   |
| Demeters | 1tsp   |
| Kraken   | 1tsp   |
| Hygeia   | 2tsp   |
| Herc     | 4tsp   |
| Zeus     | 1.5tsp |
| SLF100   | 1tsp   |
Water @ 6.8 pH / 645 ppm

Removed a few leaves off of each, also remove some bottom branches that arent getting any light.

Autofuel foliar

TM left AMR right

Day 35

Flush 2.5 cups per plant (recipe per gallon):
| Herc   | 5tbsp |
| Aphro  | 1tsp  |
| Hygeia | 2tsp  |
| SLF100 | 1tsp  |
Water @ 6.7 pH / 408 ppm

TM left AMR right

Day 36
ipm spray

Feed 2 cups per plant (recipe per gallon):
| Medusas  | 1.0tsp |
| Gaia     | 1.5tsp |
| Athenas  | 2tsp   |
| Demeters | 1tsp   |
| Kraken   | 1tsp   |
| Hygeia   | 2tsp   |
| Herc     | 5tbsp  |
| Zeus     | 1.5tsp |
| SLF100   | 1tsp   |
Water @ 6.6 pH / 632 ppm

TM left AMR right

Day 37
autofuel foliar

Day 38

Feed 2 cups per plant (recipe per gallon):
| Medusas  | 1tsp |
| Gaia     | 1.5tsp |
| Athenas  | 2tsp   |
| Demeters | 1tsp   |
| Kraken   | 1tsp   |
| Hygeia   | 2tsp   |
| Herc     | 5tbsp  |
| Zeus     | 1.5tsp |
| SLF100   | 1tsp   |
Water @ 6.5 pH / 638 ppm

Day 39
Tea 2 cups per plant (recipe per gallon):
| Aphro     | 2tsp |
| SLF100    | 1tsp |
| EZBloom   | 2tsp |
| Fish Sh!t | 1tsp |
| Photo+    | 2tsp |
Water @ 6.6 pH (forgot to measure ppm)

Day 40
Feed 2 cups per plant (recipe per gallon):
| Medusas  | 1tsp   |
| Gaia     | 2tsp   |
| Athenas  | 3tsp   |
| Demeters | 1.5tsp |
| Kraken   | 1tsp   |
| Hygeia   | 2tsp   |
| Herc     | 5tbsp  |
| Zeus     | 1.5tsp |
| SLF100   | 1tsp   |
Water @ 6.5 pH / 740 ppm

Day 41
Feed 2 cups per plant (recipe per gallon):
| Medusas  | 1tsp   |
| Gaia     | 2tsp   |
| Athenas  | 3tsp   |
| Demeters | 1.5tsp |
| Kraken   | 1tsp   |
| Hygeia   | 2tsp   |
| Herc     | 5tbsp  |
| Zeus     | 1.5tsp |
| SLF100   | 1tsp   |
Water @ 6.6 pH / 723 ppm

TM left AMR right

Day 43
Flush 2 cups per plant (recipe per gallon):
| Hygeia | 2 tsp  |
| Aphro  | 3 tsp  |
| Herc   | 6 tbsp |
| SLF100 | 1 tsp  |
Water @ 6.7 pH

Remove lower bud sites and inner leaves of both. May remove more later if things continue to look good.
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