biggest issue i have is space, im growing in a 1.2 x 90 x 1m 80 if i could open up into say a full sized room then i think things would be a lot different but i can only work with the tools i have
with growing plants and as we step into a new era in growing technology we have come to understand that plants grow using only light that is provided in the par spectrum of the total light available so l.e.d lights are made to only give off those colours, i know hps lights tend to concentrate on only the red part of the spetrum but that doesnt mean that plants can not benefit from uv and the blue spectrum aswell etc etc when flowering
giving the plants the par spectrum they need to grow is more beneficiial in terms of providing the plants with a naturual source of light as the same conditions would also happen outdoors, the thing with l.e.d lights and why you see so many times angain and again is when people compare l.e.d to hps lights what they are actually talking about is the par output of the light, a 300 watt l.e.d can match and in some cases exceed the same par ratio as 600 watt hps light so therefore your getting the same growing spectrum as a 600 watt hps using less watts, the reason people argue is because you wont get the exact same coverage as a 600 watt hps
ive always said that watt for watt l.e.d would out yield hps, if i had the full 1000watts of l.e.d vs 1000 watts of hps i know the l.e.d would win because the par spectrum would be a lot greater
for example, my 189x pro has the same par out put as 750 watt hps but uses only 300 watts of electic now if i was using 2 of these lights id have the same par output as 1400 watt hps and still be using less than the 750 watts of eletrical draw comapred to the hps
all of my grows have been completed under 300 watts of electric and its only on my current grow that im using 600 watts with 2 lights but i honestly belive its overkill in my space, after my test grow has finished i will switch back to just using the gen-x panel, the other advantage i have is the need for no extraction unlike if i was running 600 watts of hps id have to have intake and outake
be intresting to get your views on the way plants grow and adapt under par spectrum and full spectrum lights, im still looking at plasma and induction lights myself to see what people are achieveing with those