New Grower Setup and Germination DAY 1

Day 2.5 Germ:

Slightly sprayed the soil on top of the seeds with 6.2 pH water. Just trying to keep it moist. Also watered the soil around the plastic cups to keep the rest of the soil hydrated. The light is now at 22 inches above the soil and dimmed to 50% intensity. Trying to get a grip in this DLI and PPFD thing. Using the Photone App on iOS to monitor. I think my DLI is still high for 24/0 lighting but I'm still learning so the lighting setup might change!
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DG#1 just breaking soil
DG2 leaving the underground

Day 3.5 Germ:

Went in to spray the top soil around the cups for all the girls this morning and took a peek under the lids. Looks like Double Grape plants number 1 and 2 are starting to make their way up from the soil! :yay:

Number 3 yet to show her head. Will check the tent once before bed tonight and will update if she shows up. Most likely will show tomorrow at the earliest.
Just got back from work a couple hours ago and went checked in on the tent. Nothing to report on the CDLC, just lightly sprayed the surface of the soil covering the seed to keep it moist.
But the Double Grape.....



All three coming along. Number 1's stem shot up the second most but she has her seed shell clinging on to the top of the stem. But the cotyledons don't seem impeded by it so they should spread by end of the night. Number 2 has the most growth of them all with the bigger first set of leaves and longer stem. Still got a little clinger there tho..
And coming in as the shortest, but also with first set of leaves, is Number 3. At least she doesn't have baggage like the other two.

Hopefully will have the CDLC to report on tomorrow. I'm going to post another comment with pictures of my soil mix, nutrients and some gear.
In case another newbie like me finds this thread and is looking for a guide to at least get them started to this point, here's pictures of what I've been using:

pH control equipment

So here we got my BlueLab pH meter, BlueLab pH calibration bottles, General Hydroponic pH Up/Down bottles and a small generic bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide (cleans/disinfects stuff).


Got a 5 gal bucket with an air pump (like the ones in fish aquariums) in there. Generic 3L watering can and a 1 gal water pump/spray thing.


So the soil for the CDLC is a combo of the Pro-Mix, Worm Castings and the two Gaia Green fry amendments. The 3x Double Grape are also mixed with castings and the dry amendments, but the soil was a 30L bag of Gaia Green Living soil (pictured below).



AC Infinity 3x3 grow tent. Bought as a kit.

Well that's pretty much it. Hope this helps someone out there. Also if anyone has any tips/advice on how I should alter my setup for future grows, please go ahead and comment
Day 6

Good Day All,

Only one thing I wanted to ask today. The first set of leaves on Double Grape #1 started off slightly yellowish compared to the other 2. Is this normal?
You can also see examples of this in the previous pictures. I hope I'm just worrying for nothing lol.
Day 6

Good Day All,

Only one thing I wanted to ask today. The first set of leaves on Double Grape #1 started off slightly yellowish compared to the other 2. Is this normal?
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You can also see examples of this in the previous pictures. I hope I'm just worrying for nothing lol.
Yellowing at that stage is likely due to under watering or over watering. My TDV did the same thing from under watering. It could mean you just waited a tad too long between waterings. Mine bounced back, in a few days you should notice the yellow go away.

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