New Grower Sensi Seeds Skunk #1 autoflower, autopots, autocobs, auto etc etc etc

Mar 13, 2017
Reaction score
Seems like everything is is automatic these days.

8x8 tent with inline high cfm fans for in and exhaust and couple of fans for circulation.
Average temp 23C and RH of 55%
Lights are T5HO for sprout/seedling. Autocobs for rest. Also some HPS when its cooler and I need to add heat.
Half size autopot with airdome
Medium is a real mix. Estimated to be 70% HP Promix Myco, 20% canna coco, 5% worm castings, 5% biochar. Dolomite lime. DE. Mosquito dunks crushed.
I'll be loosely following Tangs easy schedule using AN PH perfect Sensi Bloom A+B. Calmag. Silica. Drip Clean. Mycos powder. Growth Plus nitrozyme. Optic Foliar sprays. AN Overdrive and Carboload when blooming.
Water is medium hard city tap mixed with some bottled RO.

Seed soaked overnight in water with nitrozyme and mycos powder. Dropped in to Rapid Rooter covered with my medium and dome and now waiting for the sprout to pop up.

I'll post a picture in a bit.
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Sensi Skunk#1 is in a rapid rooter underneath that small paper cup. Her neighbors are two MG Sour Livers.
T5 light.

It'll do just fine.
when she sprouts,you'll be ready