I'm not really sure anymore. I always have grown in soil and had 2 goes at the coco, but the DWC is great. To be honest I've known people using NFT systems and flood and drain but when previously mentioned to me I would not want to listen.
DWC seems to me the most simple and sensible way to grow. To think I spent hardly no money and put it together in 5mins.
I have heard of DWC and rdwc for a long time but just didn't care to know..
This is my first grow, but after a LOT of studying, I went DWC! Your reasoning is the same as mine, simplicity. Start up costs are more, but it is so easy to take care of a DWC setup! I'm using 18 gallon containers with about 13 gallons of water. I havr a third 22 gallon that I dechlorinate my fresh tap water in. My plan for my next grow is to tie the three reservoirs together in a RDWC , Recirculating. The advantage of RDWC if longer periods of stable tep and ph. Also, by having almost 60 gallons of res water, no need for topping up! I could go away for a week and come to my plants being still healthy. set your ppms and ph correctl, kep res temp under control, and tere's not much to go wrong. I'm loving it!