Indoor Semi-Organic Recycled Soil No PH Indoor LED – TGG Grow#3

Apr 18, 2015
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Using organic recycled soil (from outdoor summer grow), amended with BuildaSoil amendment kit + home made compost + worm castings+ Espoma Bio-Tone Starter. I will be using straight well water once again. No PH testing or adjustments will be preformed.

Using Espoma as a test to see how it preforms this grow, but will be phasing it out as I transition to no-till organic system down the road.

I put the seeds in to soak on December 13th, I put all 4 seeds into soil on December 15th. This grow will be Dutch Passion Auto Blackberry Kush x2 and Sweet Seeds Red Poison x2. All 4 cracked and showed root.

Seeds were placed in a Peat/EWC mix and watered in with
1 tsp Aloe Vera powder
¾ tsp soluble kelp
1 Tbs Agsil 7.8% solution
1 Tbs Coconut Water Powder
all the above mixed with 5 gallons of water. Using left over for house plants

Also with this grow I will be using a 180 watt CFL during the “veg” period.

Here is a full list of everything I have for this grow:
4 3 gallon Geopots (
Recycled Soil (backyard +)
Agsil16H Potassium Silicate (
Coconut Water Powder (
200x Aloe Vera Powder Flakes (
Buildasoil Endo Myco Mix (
Liquid Gold ( (not organic certified)
Kelp Powder (

Espoma Bio-Tone Starter
Espoma Tomato-tone (not sure Ill use it but its on hand)

I ended up with the Espoma because I was going to work on a modified Dr Earth schedule, but have kind of scrapped that to work more towards a no till method. This is not that yet, but going to start using each grow as a way of learning, until I feel comfortable with going all in.

And pictures because, well because..
Soil 2015-12-04 11.39.30.png virgin 3 gallon pots 2015-12-04 11.48.50.png
Kelp4Less stuff 2015-12-04 11.49.22.png and the buildasoil stuff 2015-12-04 11.50.39.png

and a couple shots of the pots, with seeds planted -
IMG_20151215_094902.jpg IMG_20151215_094856.jpg

Well thats it for this wall of a post, comments always welcome.

In Peace,