Seed Stockers Seedstockers - Wedding Glue Auto - A Mugwamp Solo Cup Adventure

Week 5, Day 35
Wedding Glue Auto
Day 35
Battle Plant
All going well so far :cooldance: although, she still looks like she's been topped for some reason :shrug: apart from that, she's still looking happy and healthy, for now anyway :rofl:
I've upped the feed a little. I'm making up 1.8ltr with around 2.75 g of Megacrop and 1.5 ml of Cal/Mag, Ph'd to around 5.8 :toke: still no pre flowers on either.


Number 2
This bloody thing won't stop drinking :crying: every time I look in on her the cup is dry. The other one is probably drinking half what she is :shrug: At night time I water both to run off, and still fill the little cup things they are in to the top with feed. By the morning, number 1 still has a bit of weight, but this one is dry as a bone. I probably should of chose this one as me battle babe, oh well :doh:


Tent is looking quite tidy, for now :headbang:
Morning hon! May I ask....when I was using megacrop at this stage my last grow I was about 3g/Gallon which was +/- 400ppm.
You say you are using 2.75g/1.8L.. which is about a half gallon. What are your PPM's at the moment? around 700? Your ladies are looking FANTASTIC, and I am wondering if maybe they are really heavy feeders and I can actually raise up my ppm at the moment! :biggrin:
Morning hon! May I ask....when I was using megacrop at this stage my last grow I was about 3g/Gallon which was +/- 400ppm.
You say you are using 2.75g/1.8L.. which is about a half gallon. What are your PPM's at the moment? around 700? Your ladies are looking FANTASTIC, and I am wondering if maybe they are really heavy feeders and I can actually raise up my ppm at the moment! :biggrin:
Hey Mom, to be honest, I have no idea :crying: I'm more of a whack it in and hope for the best sort of grower :rofl: I do have a cheap tds pen thing (if that is what you measure it with?) and when I get home I'll have a butchers :thumbsup:
Hey Mom, to be honest, I have no idea :crying: I'm more of a whack it in and hope for the best sort of grower :rofl: I do have a cheap tds pen thing (if that is what you measure it with?) and when I get home I'll have a butchers :thumbsup:

That is extremely high for an autoflower. But hey, it works for you. So who am I :d5:
It works for me, so far :rofl: so if your saying it's too high, does that mean my feed strength is too high? I measured my tap water on its own, and that was 300 ppm, if that helps. Also, I haven't seen any burnt tips so it can't be that strong :pass:
DAHAMMMMMMM!!! Watch ladies carefully at that age and PPM, but if they can take it, I say give it!!!! :naughtystep:
My Brother Mendels is at the end of her grow period and taking 1000ppm like a champ. Who knew?
I may just bump up my Wedding Glue ladies and see what they can take.
Grow on hon!!
Hahaha well I haven't heard any complaints so far, so I'll just carry on doing what I'm doing and we'll see if it bites me on the arse later on down the road :crying: as it's the first time using Megacrop, it's all a learning curve and I'm definitely not expecting it to be plain sailing till the end, although, it would be nice :toke: