Seed Stockers SeedStockers Northern Lights Autoflower.

Day 27 and still no pistils, not even showing pistillate primordia (calyx) next to the stipules. I will give her a bit longer but don't be surprised if this plant gets removed.

Day 27 and still no pistils, not even showing pistillate primordia (calyx) next to the stipules. I will give her a bit longer but don't be surprised if this plant gets removed.


Why would you pull her bro ?
a few of my girls(my latest girl is the same day 28 not shown sex yet) have not started flowering untill day 30+
Why would you pull her bro ?
a few of my girls(my latest girl is the same day 28 not shown sex yet) have not started flowering untill day 30+

I need my autos to take 80 days max or it will mess up my cycle. My last slow Auto was the Eufora which took 100 days and the NL is way behind that bro.

Auto Euforia at 28 days old.
I need my autos to take 80 days max or it will mess up my cycle. My last slow Auto was the Eufora which took 100 days and the NL is way behind that bro.

Auto Euforia at 28 days old.
View attachment 809681

Ah i see now with your rotation it would mess things up,pity you can't just stick her in a corner somewhere with one of your old hs1's
I need my autos to take 80 days max or it will mess up my cycle. My last slow Auto was the Eufora which took 100 days and the NL is way behind that bro.

Auto Euforia at 28 days old.
View attachment 809681

AutoEuphoria took like forever in my garden too. I am going with NL no matter what... Makes sense in your setup with rotation going on!
Hey my plants under MS0006 are only just into full flower at day 60. I quite like a monster for yeild but they do take extra work and if times an issue!

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Day 27 and still no pistils, not even showing pistillate primordia (calyx) next to the stipules. I will give her a bit longer but don't be surprised if this plant gets removed.

I've just pulled mine at day 35, 2 Amnesia, and a powerplant. Nothing from them at all, it's a shame, they we're nice plants, but as you say, 100 day plants are not fun.