I have decided that I am going to mainline this to hell and back to see if I can stretch it out to 200 days.
See if I can get a special rule for 'Planted on day 1 of first leg, but finished on final day of second leg'
That would be a unique award ;)

Easy tiger :crying: I want to have a chance
I have decided that I am going to mainline this to hell and back to see if I can stretch it out to 200 days.
See if I can get a special rule for 'Planted on day 1 of first leg, but finished on final day of second leg'
That would be a unique award ;)
Fuck me, I can do that without trying,lol. Stress ‘em, Stunt ‘em, let them get root bound, underfeed them.......I don’t need no mainlining! :crying:
I have decided that I am going to mainline this to hell and back to see if I can stretch it out to 200 days.
See if I can get a special rule for 'Planted on day 1 of first leg, but finished on final day of second leg'
That would be a unique award ;)
Seen a guy get 9oz from a mainline auto. Would've bet a bollock that would be a waste of time but nay it can be done. Who knew lol
Whatever your purpose in growing, covering the reek of ganj is still a good thing in my opinion!
Especially if your grow isnt legit ✌✌
Better not come around my house sniffing may get more than ya bargain for :cooldance:
