Seedstockers Grower of the Year 2. Leg!

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Guess we will have to let Mischa know about the variances in some of the strains, good luck on the three that made it!

Thank you, added to your post :smoking:

Better luck with the next batch and I hope the skunks still pop up. Is there a heat source under them? Sometimes it gives them a boost to pop up I find.
I've finally managed to coax a tap root out of one :woohoo:

Still... one out of three. :shrug:

One popped in the end. In the coco now so we'll see...


1 of 3 :shrug:
Hey Guys ! :bighug:Sorry for my late reply...

I am sorry for the germination issues and for the unstable Fruit Cake. We are trying to solve those kind of issues asap, but it takes some time... You guys are particularly our test team, because you are doing the same grow on the same place, so we can track it better than from one or two testers.

I will really appreciate any feedback from you guys, this is what we need and want to improve our work.

@Equatorial I am so happy that seeds arrived ! This is great thing for us, that the shipping to your country works ! And I am happy that you like the T-shirt.

@kenny kush Yes we have pack mix with the name of the strains, so you wont know which you will get but you will find it out once you will get your package. so @RivetGrrl thank you for faster answer ! you are correct !

@NiceOption I am so sorry that you have so many problems... We are working on the Fruit Cake and it should be better than it was in January when I sent seeds for the first leg. The same for Nicole Cream she is completely fine now :-)

@Growtogrow Can you please tell me which seeds did not germinated? Thank you !

Please feel free to send me any feedback on email (Michaela@seedstockers) or to messages, (also you can find me on Seedstockers FB or IG). Here in those thread is a bit complicated sometimes.... the last thread had in first week almost 100 pages and it is not easy to read it all, so if you want to help us or you want to tell me or contact me thread it not the best options.

As you see now I am answering questions which was already solved. UPS

Good luck all of you guys ! Hope that you will have lucky grow and have a nice Friday and weekend ! :smokeout:
Hey Guys ! :bighug:Sorry for my late reply...

@Equatorial I am so happy that seeds arrived ! This is great thing for us, that the shipping to your country works ! And I am happy that you like the T-shirt.

Big thumbs up Mischa! Out of 4 sponsored packs, you were the first to give me tracking and first to arrive! I really do like the tshirt but don't have the balls to wear anything cannabis related in public. It is part of my pyjamas line up now! Lol

Besides having a Thin Mint Crack, not crack at all, all seems good!

I really hope I do well with this grow to thank you for the seeds! I hope your Indica dominant strains can do ok in hot and humid climates.

Hey there[emoji481][emoji482]

None battle...OG Kush autos that I had started as part of my outside grow this year for extra plants. 2 of them didn't pop.
So 1 of 3 popped.

I wanted to have a friendly little grow off between SeedStockers and Humboldt seed organization
in my outside grow. Since you both have OG Kush autos.
So I started all the seeds on the same date the 12th.
This friendly competition will not happen this year.

So both SeedStockers Big Bud photos that I dropped for the competition the 17th second leg of the battle both came up and I still have one of them left to pop. But not this season.

Thanks for the shout out[emoji481][emoji482]

Hey Guys ! :bighug:Sorry for my late reply...

I am sorry for the germination issues and for the unstable Fruit Cake. We are trying to solve those kind of issues asap, but it takes some time... You guys are particularly our test team, because you are doing the same grow on the same place, so we can track it better than from one or two testers.

I will really appreciate any feedback from you guys, this is what we need and want to improve our work.

@Equatorial I am so happy that seeds arrived ! This is great thing for us, that the shipping to your country works ! And I am happy that you like the T-shirt.

@kenny kush Yes we have pack mix with the name of the strains, so you wont know which you will get but you will find it out once you will get your package. so @RivetGrrl thank you for faster answer ! you are correct !

@NiceOption I am so sorry that you have so many problems... We are working on the Fruit Cake and it should be better than it was in January when I sent seeds for the first leg. The same for Nicole Cream she is completely fine now :)

@Growtogrow Can you please tell me which seeds did not germinated? Thank you !

Please feel free to send me any feedback on email (Michaela@seedstockers) or to messages, (also you can find me on Seedstockers FB or IG). Here in those thread is a bit complicated sometimes.... the last thread had in first week almost 100 pages and it is not easy to read it all, so if you want to help us or you want to tell me or contact me thread it not the best options.

As you see now I am answering questions which was already solved. UPS

Good luck all of you guys ! Hope that you will have lucky grow and have a nice Friday and weekend ! :smokeout:

Thanks for dropping by! You certainly take the crown for customer service and I can tell you actually listen to feedback unlike many other people out there! Top marks :)

Yeah, it's a bummer about the Skunks, not sure I'll get even one to break the ground but happy to hear about the Fruit Cake improvements as that's what I was keen on trying anyway. If this last skunk's a no show, i'll try and get an FC going before the deadline. Fingers crossed!

My other tester/battle seeds are wash out, 1 cracked out of 5 and I'd be shocked if it materialised into anything.

Just bad luck this time around I suppose...
So far so good with the Thin Mint Crack :thumbsup: 2 days in paper towel and she's ready for lift off :woohoo:View attachment 1049819
So hopefully there'll be a little sproutling in a few days, fingers crossed :toke: then the fun really begins :pass:
My 1st Thin Mint Crack died :cuss: possibly my fault by not potting her properly, as after a couple of days I noticed the tap root had grown upwards and was laying on top of coco and looking a little frazzled, I replanted it and it started to grow :thumbsup: then her head fell off :doh: so I've started to germ another 1 and we'll see what happens this time :pass:
Hey Guys ! :bighug:Sorry for my late reply...

I am sorry for the germination issues and for the unstable Fruit Cake. We are trying to solve those kind of issues asap, but it takes some time... You guys are particularly our test team, because you are doing the same grow on the same place, so we can track it better than from one or two testers.

I will really appreciate any feedback from you guys, this is what we need and want to improve our work.

@Equatorial I am so happy that seeds arrived ! This is great thing for us, that the shipping to your country works ! And I am happy that you like the T-shirt.

@kenny kush Yes we have pack mix with the name of the strains, so you wont know which you will get but you will find it out once you will get your package. so @RivetGrrl thank you for faster answer ! you are correct !

@NiceOption I am so sorry that you have so many problems... We are working on the Fruit Cake and it should be better than it was in January when I sent seeds for the first leg. The same for Nicole Cream she is completely fine now :)

@Growtogrow Can you please tell me which seeds did not germinated? Thank you !

Please feel free to send me any feedback on email (Michaela@seedstockers) or to messages, (also you can find me on Seedstockers FB or IG). Here in those thread is a bit complicated sometimes.... the last thread had in first week almost 100 pages and it is not easy to read it all, so if you want to help us or you want to tell me or contact me thread it not the best options.

As you see now I am answering questions which was already solved. UPS

Good luck all of you guys ! Hope that you will have lucky grow and have a nice Friday and weekend ! :smokeout:

Hi @Seedstockers_Mischa , thank you for stopping in, we all appreciate the personal interaction with you :smoking: If you would like me to compile any info into the spreadsheet I'm running (just to keep track) please let me know and I will, if it aids you in any way.
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