New Grower Seeds straight in soil

1/4" deep point up right in the soil has worked well in the past. It's an herb, created to drop seeds onto the soil and multiply.
Well, yea...but it's also created as "an herb" to drop several dozen at a time becuase randomly dropping them gives random germination and sprouting results. Nature doesn't have to pay like five to ten bucks a seed. We're trying to be "better than natural" with our lights (how many auto growers run 24/7 lights?), water, nutrients, soil, may as well try to be for germinating, as well.

That being said...I'm interested in watching what others say becuase I sure having figured it out yet. Tried soaking them in water until the tap sprouted this last run, and looks like I'm four failures on four seeds after moving them to the dirt. The two I tried that same soaking first way before they worked with, though. Seems I do have the aforementioned random luck with germinating every method I've tried so far soooo I sure haven't figured out how to be better than nature yet. *sigh*

like many many people here is that many methods exist :D (almost :D )

what i like to do is i soak them unthil they fall on the bottom ,sometimes i poke them down after 12h or so and they fall on the bottom and usualy after another 12-24h they start to open up with tiny tap root and then BAM... gently in the final pot :) ...mine pot is 18l and i soke it with 2l water with 5ml of root juice before i put the seeds in..
just take a pinch of dirtin the centre and place the seed and slightly cover with that pinch and mist a bit and there you have it :D
sprinkle the top slightly every day and after 2-4 days ther are up..

good luck in the future and dont stress too much about it ;)

I like to water the soil before planting, let it drain a little, plant than cover with plastic wrap tell the seed sprouts. It prevents me form over watering and drowning the seed.
I have a similar problem. I got a couple seeds from Herbies and they've been soaking for over 48 hours and nothing. I expected something by now but not a thing has happened they look the same as the day they went in. Do I wait? Complain? Just order more? Takes forever to get em in the first place. The free seeds are worthless as I don't want photoperiod plants.
It can take more than 48 hours in water. Good to pour off the water and refresh so slimy stuff you don't want doesn't start to grow. I recently soaked some until they all either cracked or had a tiny took 3 or 4 days. Then into soil, and another 3 or 4 days for the first 2 of 3 to come above the soil. Waiting for [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]. Meanwhile I popped 3 more directly into soil 3 days ago...we'll see how that goes!
I drop all of mine right into the soil and have only had 1 not make it and that was my fault for digging due to new grower impatience. They usually take 3 to 5 days to break soil. I have done the soak method and that worked as well,I choose the direct soil germination because it works for me. I am a very impatient person(that's why auto's are great) so just hang in there you should she some life very soon.
I also drop straight to soil that's been watered cover with plastic or cd holder cover 100% success.
Paper towel folded twice, moisten, in between two plates, wrapped in a cloth ( I used a microfiber towel )and placed on top of the cable box. My Mephistos popped super fast with a long white tap. From there they went to the Promix, but not buried deep. I watered with 30 ml and they broke the surface about a day and a half later.