Seedlings in direct sunlight and combining Rhizotonic with Biobizz

May 15, 2020
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Hi all, today is day 1 of my first serious grow. This morning I planted 5 seeds directly into their final 15l pot :yay: after they had had a 12h soak. I’m growing outdoors in my backyard facing south, with my living room (also south) as a shelter against rough weather. During the night they will probably always be indoors. When I’ve got time I will go into more detail of what I am up to and probably ask more questions. For now I just have two questions that are bugging me.

Sunny days are no consistent factor here, so when the sun does manifest itself abundantly my heart fills with joy and I want to put them babies out there as much as possible. But how much direct sunlight can young seedlings withstand? I know the ideal temp is between 20C en 30C, but sometimes it can be as high as 38C-40C where they are at. It can be so hot because I am also protecting them against too much wind. If the temp is so high, should I give them a cool down every couple of hours? Should I gradually build up sun hours? Can I start as soon as they pop their heads above the soil?

My other question is about nutrients. I am using Biobizz Light Mix with the Biobizz nutrients. I already had a bottle of Biocanna Rhizotonic so I didn’t get the Root Juice from Biobizz. Then I started to get doubts about combining different brands so decided to get the Root Juice just to be sure. Now my car broke down so I can’t go and get it. Ordering online would take at least a 4-5 days. I used ¼ of the recommended dose Rhizotonic in presoaking the soil, which is 1 ml instead of 4ml per litre. I also use 1ml per litre Rhizotonic for keeping the soil around the seed moist and for keeping humidity high. Can I just keep using Rhizotonic with Biobizz nutrients (Grow and Heaven and possibly Topmax and Alg-A-Mic for the first two weeks)? Or is that a big no no?
Cannabis plants are pretty tough and resilient. They can take a lot a lot of intense light from the sun.
I suggest giving them a couple of days a few hours at a time in the direct sunlight to start with if they're not used to it... but being young like that they can take a lot in full sun. So as quickly as you can is optimal for your success for growing a good crop.