Seed Stockers Seed Stockers Super Growoff


Looking awesome buddy!

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Gorgeous plants bro.

Thank you guys, im trying the best i can.
Around day 35-40 i tought i would have to throw in the towel. I badly abused them for 10 days when i was sick. They had like 10 minutes a day when they needed atleast 2 hour. You can still see the damage on the leafs but they are budding on. Sure i lost some weight, but its looking good anyway. A perfect grow with these and ill brake my PB without problem. They are for sure strong genetics!
So as i said at the beginning this is a true story,out of respect for those affected places names and events have be far.......the charachters have been introduced and the following plot shall begin,murder,genetic mutations ,sexual abuse(jimmy saville bad),incest ,aliens digress, rumour has it the california orange that turned out to be a photo may be getting bumped off to make room for the clones. Superskunk clones are growing fast and with all the seeds i got why go to the trouble of partitioning walls etc.....the clones are going in the 40 litre flexitub and see how much we can bust this thing about not cloning autos as i think they are gonna be big ,much bigger than their mother who is getting it next sat...and then we will fill available space with seedstockers seeds and see what we can do with them .....2 babies are up already bcn power plant ,white widow and a northern lights..... orange auto and bcn critical xxl next and i will be taking clones just to show how strong the genetics are [emoji111] of the murder scene available tomorrow

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