IAM very sad this is a Photo period strain. This is just autos correct? It was a mistake. I wish I picked Santa Marta Haze now. I always get autos they sent them by mistake they are making it up to me and are very sorry this happened. Seedstockers Rule

I think photos are ok, it's just about getting them finished is why autos are preferred for these battles. @Ripper may want to chime in on this.
Well I flipped it about three days ago now.
Doesn't give you a ton of time to finish but it should be close before the comp is over
Doesn't give you a ton of time to finish but it should be close before the comp is over
I will keep chugging along my man and will see where I stand at the time. It is Going to be a biggun and the first photo in Five years lol.
I will keep chugging along my man and will see where I stand at the time. It is Going to be a biggun and the first photo in Five years lol.
Please do, I want to see how it finishes!

10-26 BNC update.jpg