Seed Stockers 2023 Seed Stockers 2023 Show Grow.

Early Flower
I completly forgot about posting in here. This is the Triton Biscotto Lime that @Seedstockers-Mark sent while back. She's looking great just starting to flower looking like she's gonna be nice size plant. She's definitely a hungrier one and is going need to be feed early compared to the rest the girls I got going. Here is my journal for her I've been posting in their section :doh: :baked:

Hi all

I've loaded this video in my diary thread of ny mandarin panties starting off as clone, she was actually an accident after I snapped her off her "mother" 13/11/22, im not sure how you age a clone but if its using her mams age then she's 11 month old this Friday 13th lol

It's been a long journey as I couldn't get the timing right to pop her in flower and she just kept growing and growing and growing lol I trained her out horizontal and she filled out a 60x90 and was wired down and spread out

I really want to showcase this plant and where better than AFN, I hope the video can be seen by others and the quality is OK,

Shes fully organic and been on biotab right from day 1, I've actually impressed biotab that much they've agreed to sponsor my next grow and ive a box of goodies being delivered tomorrow.

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Well, come to find out, I did ask mark for photos This was back in November of last year For growing in January . I went back and found the messages and that's what they said.
With long delay we encountered I completely forgot about it!

So they get their own little place in the Mars 2.3x2.3 tent.:headbang::headbang:

Well, come to find out, I did ask mark for photos This was back in November of last year For growing in January . I went back and found the messages and that's what they said.
With long delay we encountered I completely forgot about it!

So they get their own little place in the Mars 2.3x2.3 tent.:headbang::headbang:

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A testament to the quality of your weed no doubt:haha:
OK it's an hour and a half before lights on and two days the girls have been on 12/12.:headbang::headbang:
Do I see pistils at lights on?:pop::pop::pop:

I say it's very likely for RUCU CUCU!:hump::hump::hump::hump:

She just looked like it would be anytime now at mid-light cycle late last night.
I think she's gonna be a pretty girl!:eyebrows::eyebrows::eyebrows:
Well............................... No pistils for either one! :face: :haha:

Both are very healthy! I wish I had caught it about them being photos earlier! I think both of these are gonna be a test of my training skills once they hit flower in the stretch.
I think at first light this evening, both are gonna get some hard training and maybe some defolation, but definitely training.

2.3X2.3 TENT


RUCU CUCU 32 days


Mack N Crack 32 days


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