New Grower Seed quality - How does seed size and color effect germination

Jul 17, 2013
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Here is a photo of two 'Feminized auto blueberry' plants that were started at the same time. Both were part of a bulk seed purchase from Seedsman, that was returned because the majority of the seeds were too small and immature. The larger plant is now 19 inches tall.
I have not noticed a difference in quality due to seed size or color. They either sprout or they don't. Too white and they wont sprout and also if there too young they wont sprout and I don't mean by color but seed age it self. I think the seed go through metabolic dormancy and take about 2 to 3 months after you harvest them before you start to get good germination rates. I think seed size has a large part in how much phosphorus the plant was fed but not much effect on seed quality. I have sprouted seeds though that were picked a little too early but aged properly. I never get them from a seed bank though like this. I have ordered seeds for about 6 years and been breading for about 5 and never got young seeds from a breeder. I would be a little up set about that.
Seed size has no bearing on viability. I've grown big plants from tiny seeds and vs versa. any seed not whote or green will likely sprout and even white, not quite ripe seeds will germ around 30-50% , I've tested the theory with 100 seeds.
Seed size has no bearing on viability. I've grown big plants from tiny seeds and vs versa. any seed not whote or green will likely sprout and even white, not quite ripe seeds will germ around 30-50% , I've tested the theory with 100 seeds.
It's easy enough for a responsible company to insure seed quality. Look at how the Joint Doctor does it. It's only greedy producers and customers dumb enough to accept them at ten dollars a piece that enable the practice to continue. If you like wasting money, go ahead and buy them.
I've been growing going on ten years anyway. This is the first year I ever bought seeds. It's a way different approach knowing what you got as opposed to digging through 3 lbs of seed looking for one you think looks like the winner
I cant count how many times I have ordered seeds over the years and have never had bad seeds. I would not let this discourage you from buying again. I would just get the seeds from a different producer next time. I have been lucky and always got what I expected except once when I had 4 out of 5 plants turn herm on me from a batch of seeds. Usually when I order seeds I get a few different types from a few different breeders cuz I like variety but also so if I don't like a strain I have others.
I take fine sandpaper and sand the end and ridges of a seed. Usually sprouts the next day, haven't had a dud since then.
The seed has a limited amount of energy, so what it uses to break the seed casing it won't have to grow with.
if you get seeds from company with a known rep for bad genetics, then the odds are you might be asking for trouble buying anything g off them. Stick to trusted good reviews genetics and you should have a happy time.