Seed Bank Seed order - have I lost my mind??

hAPPE4ED me to,i was disapoi4ted at the time.4ot 8ei4g a8le to put a 4ame to the face so to fault for assumi4g a4d 4ot aski4g,i put it dow4 to experie4ce wo4t happe4 aGAi4.
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oh geeze lol im sorry! i dont care for mystery mixes either.
Ah, think I'll just quit lettin it bother me... maybe even get a book on self-hypnosis and convince me self I like mysterious adventures!
Maybe even take the labels off all the canned goods at work tonight!!
It'll be exciting!!!
@Starbreaker , wonder what @Eyes on Fire thinks? If I recall y'all are both growing some of these beans as we speak...

A few bricks shy of a load
Quite possible haha portal? I've been waiting for my order to arrive since the 24th. I need them in my possession lol. The fem mix I know are all decent sized and potent. I've grown them all. Thanks to you, I won't be ordering any mixes though haha.
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