New Grower Second Grow - From Day 62: AKR - Cropical - Diesel - White Widow

those girls are looking fine gardener.. will stop by from time to time to see how the ladies will frost up in the last weeks .. love those bud-shots ;)
Moving things about, preparing for harvest.

Looking at my White Widow I realised how congested the canopy had become. So I LSTed to pots edge with wire through holes. Previously I had used bamboo skewers to form X's holding stems. Over time some of these had slipped, next grow I'll be using wires and stakes.

Before and After

Perhaps this shows it better

It was worth doing it for pleasure, but hopefully its given space and light for lower buds to mature more.
I went and tied my girls down a little and cut out any popcorn or growth from lower levels I didn't want to develop. Trying to give buds as much light before harvest.

Shot of the tent

Cropical -- White Widow
Diesel ------------ AKR

It's helped create a nice even canopy, along with my sophisticated plant leveling system....


'The Book of Pirates' is (apart from AFN) the ONLY reading you require to grow autos. Definite info.
Day 66

Went and gave the Cropical, White Widow and Diesel a drink. This was first drink just of water for the Diesel.

Looking into the tent I felt happy

Cropical has been thinned out a little.

My AKR is looking noticeably frostier
Thanks! I am gagging on the chop. It's so close now, all the work and worry seems to have flown by looking back. Been thinking a lot about my next grow and how/when to start it as I'll be growing/drying these at same time. I reckon I'll plant around April 3rd....
Thanks very much, it's a beautiful sight.
Day 67

Couple of shots of largest Diesel bud.

SAM_1382.jpg SAM_1380.jpg

Not the best shot as I was lazy and didn't take out of tent.

Though it doesn't show in the photos her leaves are noticeably going yellow now, feel good about timing of harvest.