New Grower Second Grow: Dark Devil, Critical Jack & Think Different

Update #5

The plants (Approximately 25 days since they popped)
  1. Dinafem Critical Jack #1 - (Yellow tag)
  2. Sweet Seeds Dark Devil - (Blue tag)
  3. Dutch Passion Think Different (Gray tag)
  4. Critical Jack #2 - (Untagged and in standard pot)
So this post is dedicated to Neptune’s Harvest Hydrolized Fish Fertilizer, I gave all the girls a hefty feeding with it about three days before this photo was taken and they have responded terrifically with a great deal of growth! It’s amazing stuff that I will be continuing to use during the veg state. Here's all four:

The Critical Jack sisters - Here’s the Critical Jack ladies side by side, although the airpot version is clearly doing the best, the standard pot is holding her own for sure. You can see Critical Jack #1 is still staked, I actually removed it after this photo so she's on her own know. The silica I've been feeding everyone has done it's duty and we have some good strong stems in the making.


Think Different - The Dutch Passion genetics are kicking into high gear once again, this lady is nice and strong and reminds me a lot of the Dutch Passion Star Ryder that I’m also growing. Consider me a Dutch Passion convert!


Dark Devil - This lady is also holding her own, although I still have some concern, because this one started off very leggy in the first two weeks. The bottom of the main stem is still on the thinnish side and might cause problems later as she begins to gain some weight, but right now everything seems fine.


Munch Munch - Somebody discovered this leaf and had a good meal. It’s the only leaf affected but I’m going to keep a close eye on things. I will probably do a spray on all of them with some diluted SM-90. The insects in my area are beginning to make their presence known.

Update #6

The plants (Approximately 34 days since they popped)

  1. Dinafem Critical Jack #1 - (Yellow tag)
  2. Sweet Seeds Dark Devil - (Blue tag)
  3. Dutch Passion Think Different (Gray tag)
  4. Critical Jack #2 - (Untagged and in standard pot)

It’s been almost 10 days since my last update and my how things have changed! We kicked into flowering mode about 3 or 4 days ago and all the things I learned from my first grow have really made a difference I think.

A lot of this info is old news to all of you veterans out there but for the record and for all the future newbies such as myself, here are the adjustments I made between my first grow and this one:

  • Airpots. My first grow used 2 gallon standard pots and they just don’t cut it. The 3 gallon airpots I’m using seem to be very effective right now and the nice thing about them is because I’m doing an outdoor grow they are not too big to move around if you have to.

  • I’m using Bio-Bizz nutes on a much more aggressive level than I did the first time and also alternating feedings with Neptune’s Harvest Fish Fertilizer which I absolutely love.
    If you measured the difference in size between these plants and my first grow, I’m going to say there has been a 25% increase in growth between the two.

  • Foliar Spray. I have also been converted to the church of foliar spraying. In particular I have been giving them treatments of Armor-Si silica combined with ph-balanced SM-90 and I feel it has created faster growing plants with healthy leaves.

  • More sun! I know this one is a no-brainer, but 4 days ago I was able to put all of these plants in a spot that gets a lot more morning sun, perhaps up to two hours more and they have responded with utter joy. Again, it’s no secret that marijuana plants like sun, but I am still amazed at the difference. No wonder all you indoor growers are creating monster weed in your basements! :biggrin:
The Critical Jack sisters

Here again is evidence that airpots are the shiznit! Although they are both doing well, it is clear that the 3 gallon airpot version of Critical Jack is kicking the 2 gallon pot’s ass! Having said that, the 2 gallon version is no slouch. You will see that it is quite likely kicking the Dark Devil’s ass, even though that one is in an airpot. Give Dinafem some rep points for killer genetics I guess.


Dark Devil

The vertical growth on this one is mighty fine, looking for her to fill out some more. I’m sure she’ll rise to the challenge though!

Think Different

The Think Different is not about to let the Critical Jack steal the spotlight. This baby is growing fast and strong. You can see a few battle scars on one of its leaves from some critter who got away with munching for ½ a day, but she shrugged it off like it ain’t no thing. What doesn’t kill ya makes ya stronger!



As I mentioned before, these are all entering the flowering stage, some are further along then others. I believe these two shots are from the Critical Jacks. Time to rock and roll ladies!!!!


Shelter from the Storm

As I mentioned before, these ladies have some prime real estate as far as sunlight is concerned and we just had the longest day of the year yesterday, so they are typically getting rays from 7am until 8pm, a solid 12-13 hours. However tonight we are supposed to get some heavy rain and winds so I put everyone in the greenhouse for safekeeping and also to try to prevent the flushing that will happen if we get an inch or two of rain.


I’m very protective of my girls. Sleep well. Stay safe tonight!

Well this is Grow with capital G.
Seems like you collectd some advices mate, now listening is paying off!
Iam subbed up mate
Update #7

It’s been a couple of weeks since I checked in. How y’all doin’ yo!

It’s been hella humid in the last few weeks, with some heavy days of rain thrown in here and there. Generally speaking that’s a pain in the ass, the humidity makes powdery mildew, slugs and other bad things a problem. However things are progressing, the ladies are all growing and have definitely kicked into flowering stage.

I learned from my past mistakes and held off on adding my Bloom nutes until vertical growth was basically done, that was good advice cause everyone is nice and tall, now they will have the next month to fatten up.

Group Shot

Here’s everyone hanging out together, you can see they all have similar height and the flowering is well under way.


Dark Devil
This one is quickly becoming my favorite, mainly because it’s so obviously different than everything else I’m growing and the dark buds showed up immediately.


Here’s a good angle and close-up of the young flowers as they start to come into their own. They lookin’ so cool!

Critical Jack & Think Different

Both of these ladies are kicking into flower, I can’t remember which of these shots is which, I think this is the Think Different.


So there is a little trouble in paradise, due to the humid weather and other circumstances I have not been around the last two weeks as much as I wanted to, so the insects have been having a field day and as you can see from this leaf. To make matters worse I had some nute problems. My guess is I fed them too much Bloom and am getting some burn, my PH is fine though so…


So that’s a warning sign that I need to start paying a little more attention to the situation and the folks over at the AF Infirmary are trying to help. However, I have a plan, I’m making some Worm Casting tea and will be using it as a foliar spray to ward off the bugs and help with the powdery mildew. Stay tuned for that!

Peace out!
Update #8

Some new photos for you, unfortunately these were taken under harsh sunlight conditions, so a great day for growing, not so much for photos (so I took some bud shots mostly!). In the last 10 days since I posted, the girls have been chugging along, putting on weight. I've had a lot of challenges with humidity but luckily we had a 3 or 4 day stretch of beautiful and dry weather. A nice breeze and direct sun have been keeping the powdery mildew at bay, I've also been doing some foliar spraying with SM-90 to help beat it back. Seems to be doing a great job, I love that stuff! There's been some cal-mag deficiencies lurking around so I've been trying to head those off.

Group Shot
So this summer has been going by so quickly that I figured this would be a good time to start estimating where I am in terms of harvest. These ladies all sprouted around May 17, so we're eight weeks in (plus a few days).

The Critical Jack is on the far right (yellow tag), the Dark Devil is in the middle (blue tag) and the Think Different is on the far left (gray tag). The CJ and the TD have a bit more weight to them than the DD right now.


Critical Jack
This baby is looking and smelling nice. They say that there is about a 60 day flowering period for this one, so that would put this about 30 more days before harvest approximately.



Dark Devil
This lady is not putting on weight as much as the other two, but boy is she a beauty to look at! Some nice trikes starting to appear, I'm looking forward to seeing what she does. I know that the seed company estimates are fantasy, but it is interesting to note that the estimated time to harvest for this is 8.5 weeks, which is about where it is, kinda crazy cause she looks nowhere near ready.


Think Different
This lady is keeping up with the Critical Jack in terms of size and production. The one curious thing is that the bud structure seems very airy, not tight at all. Is this a characteristic of the TD?



One of the benefits of growing outdoors is I get to take the time to enjoy my surroundings. For some reason my growing area attracts *lots* of dragonflies, and they are all different types as well. They all come check me out when I'm watering, I feel like they bring good vibes and for sure I appreciate their service in keeping any bugs away from my plants!




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Final Update

So it's been a few weeks since my last update, my outdoor grow is officially over for the summer. I ended up getting some serious challenges from the humidity, I've been fighting off powdery mildew for a while and then the bud rot came knocking.

Critical Jack #1 and Dark Devil
So no pictures here for you because these two had to be chopped early because of that dreaded botrytis (budrot). We had a stretch of 4 or 5 days with heavy humidity, possibly as high as 90% and very little breeze. To make matters worse, the area where I am growing is on the edge of swampland and so the humidity takes even longer to dissipate. So let's get the bad news out of the way first: neither the CJ or DD were particularly big yielders and I lost perhaps 50% of the buds to rot. It came on with very little warning, one day it was not there, the next day it was there. :evil:

My final yield for both was pretty small in the end, maybe 1/4 oz from each, although I did get plenty of usable trim, which I plan on doing something with.

Think Different and Critical Jack #2

After the letdown of having to chop the first two down early, I was able to keep these guys going for another 7-10 days, so that's good news. Here they are side-by-side, the CJ l(on the right) ooks a little weird because it began to get top-heavy and I didn't bother staking it:


Here's a close-up of the CJ cola:

And here's a close-up of the Think Different cola. The great reputation of this plant and the superior genetics from Dutch Passion came through in the end. Despite getting some big and dense buds there was no budrot at all, it was a very healthy plant and never really gave me any problems.

So at this point both of these were around 75 days old and given all my budrot issues I did some trichome checks and saw mostly cloudy with some amber and so I went ahead and took them down about 3 days ago. They are currently drying and will go into curing when they are ready.

Despite losing some buds to rot, I am happy with my results for the following reasons:
  • I now have a good sense of which genetics are well-suited for my environment: Dutch Passion's Think Different is the clear winner. Dinafem's Critical Jack comes in second and Sweet Seeds Dark Devil had a hard time.
  • My goal for this whole grow was to get through to the end for each plant and I basically did that (with some casualties along the way.)
  • I had a lot of fun with this grow, I was in this largely for the learning process as well as to give myself a healthy supply. When all is said and done between these 4 plants I will probably end up with about 2 ounces which I know is laughable for all you indoor hydro fiends, but like I said, given the challenging outdoor growing conditions I'm happy with it.
I will be writing up some smoke reports for everything as well as another post detailing the lessons I learned on this grow as well as my first one. I wanted to thank all the great AFN peeps for helping me troubleshoot problems and lend advice. I wouldn't have been able to get this far without your knowledge to help me!
The dark devil might not have filled its potential but it still looks like awesome smoke! You done a great job buddy. Need to try think different some time myself. Nice dragonfly pics too buddy +rep