New Grower Second "first time" grow attempt. Continuous until Succesful harvest.

  • Thread starter Thread starter gtron
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Pic Update.
I checked my soil ph which is holding steady at 6.4 (I wanted to make sure it wasn't dropping and I get a case of lockout that could have been avoided)
Feeding with the Foxfarm liquid trio at the max recommended (perhaps a pinch stronger)
She is needing about 64 ounces every 3 days. I have not given her straight H2O since I started using the FF.
Should I do a flush just to be sure I don't have a bunch of salt buildup? Or does the soil ph give you a pretty good clue as to whether that is a problem.
I am at day 64, so basically 9 weeks, with roughly 3 weeks on 12/12 to induce flowering which began pretty quickly.
I am curious about how long it will take this one to finish. Anyone care to hazard a guess?

Porn is below. I took one of the pics as close to even with the plant as possible to give a perspective of how short I have got her tied down.

UI PHOTO 64 DAYS.jpgUI PHOTO 64 DAYS headon.jpg
Howdy gtron from one ex-patriot Texan to a real life Texan--I have to correct your use of the word "porn" per your pictures above. What you have is "cannabis porn" as opposed to e.g., "nerd porn" or generic "porn." Generic porn is very broad indeed. Now "cannabis porn," on the other hand, is always soft core and abhors the inclusion of males. Of course, you have just mislabeled your photograph.:ladies:But, I like it.
Pic Update. Day 66
Buds, Buds, Everywhere!
I am not complaining, just a bit suprised.
I keep pulling the lead bud down and tying it, trying to let the others catch up in height. I am not sure they will be able to.

Anyway enjoy the Porn below!
And Alan, I like to use the term Porn, just because it gets peoples attention. :firedevil:

Pic Update. Day 67
Everything is still looking good.
A little sugar starting to show on the leaves.
Keep pulling the lead branch down about 1/2 inch per per day (just about what the growth rate appears to be.
I think the other 12 or so main buds just might catch up!

Porn Below. 2nd pic is the lead branch
Looking real nice. I can see the frost starting.
Pic Update. Day 68
Thank you all for the encouraging comments.
I stopped counting at 50 buds. That was 50 of them roughly the same size you can make out from the angle of the pic, tons of smaller ones.
I am wondering if I should give her a nice flush of straight H20 at her next watering instead of feeding.
I keep going back & forth about it. FF schedule says to flush after week 10 which she is just about to enter.
I am pushing her with the feedings @ about a fourth more than what the schedule calls for and she has not shown any signs of stress that I can see.
However if you look closely on the right edge of the pic, near the midway point and close to the bottom there are a couple of leaves that the tips turned brown on.
They could have been damaged by me while feeding and tying her down.
And I would think nute burn would show across the plant not just a couple of leaves on the same side side.
Opinions or knowledge regarding this are welcome.

Porn for your viewing pleasure below.
I normally don't like to flush unless there is a clear need. Flushing leaches most everything out the soil. Unless they have been overfed or there is a salt buildup, I really don't see the need to do it.