New Grower Second Auto Grow in the Auto Garage.

Seven days later all popped and have started to put on their first set of true leaves. One Mexican Airlines crashed and burned so we're down to 2 plants in the 2x4. Probably better for airflow in the long run. Temps were a little low this week so I feel like they are a bit behind. I mean, a lot of people talk about transplant at 7-8 days. Maybe they will take off with the better temps this week.
Current Temp: 71
Current Humidity: 63%
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Let them reach towards the sides of the cup before you transplant otherwise you have a higher risk of damage to the tap root..especially if youve never transplanted with the split solo cup method..If you decide to transplant earlier than that be very careful to not disturb the delicate roots because that will severely stunt if not kill a really small seedling.

dont ask me how I know this :eyebrows:
Heres about what size I transplant (stock photo for reference):


they look like they are off to a good start. Expect some pretty good growth in a week or so!
Happy 4/20! Today I’m mixing soil and filling pots in preparation for transplanting sometime in the next week or two. I’ll fill the pots about half way and give em a single spray of water if the material is particularly dry then fill the rest of the way.

Soil mix: 4 parts FFOF
1 part Perlite
~.5 Parts Rice Hulls
32 oz Build a Flower per 5 gallon
1.5 tablespoon per 5 gallons of Down to Earth Biolive 5-4-2 to offset the perlite and rice hulls lack of nutrients.
Happy 4/20! Today I’m mixing soil and filling pots in preparation for transplanting sometime in the next week or two. I’ll fill the pots about half way and give em a single spray of water if the material is particularly dry then fill the rest of the way.

Soil mix: 4 parts FFOF
1 part Perlite
~.5 Parts Rice Hulls
32 oz Build a Flower per 5 gallon
1.5 tablespoon per 5 gallons of Down to Earth Biolive 5-4-2 to offset the perlite and rice hulls lack of nutrients.
View attachment 1309474
there is no lack of nutrients in that mix... just top dress every so often. Its gonna probably work out really well!
there is no lack of nutrients in that mix... just top dress every so often. Its gonna probably work out really well!
Oh yeah. I think I’m good. The scoop of DtE just adds a little kick offsetting the perlite and rice hulls lack of contribution to the mix. The BaF looks and smells good. Thanks for all the help. I’m really looking forward to this grow.
Oh yeah. I think I’m good. The scoop of DtE just adds a little kick offsetting the perlite and rice hulls lack of contribution to the mix. The BaF looks and smells good. Thanks for all the help. I’m really looking forward to this grow.
I used to use just ffof and top dress with build a flower...I did have to stay on top of the top dressing and do it often to avoid issues... so then I started just mixing some build a flower in and adding some aeration like you have here, and it got a lot easier... Watering with organic black strap molasses is a good idea as well.. maybe every other watering. I use it more frequently but you really dont need to. If you dont have some barley straw, consider getting some..I generally mulch 2-3 times and bury the first mulch in build a flower when it starts flattening and top dress and mulch again.. the straw breaks down in the soil and the micro life really likes it.
alright... im done lol
Girls look like they are ready to take off.
Temp: 72F
Humidity: 60%


I tossed all the pots for the two tents in the big tent till the girls are ready. I sprayed an ounce of water into the soil then tossed a handful of rice hulls on top and spread them. They’ll just be in the dark for about a week then I figure transplanting will occur.
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I sprayed an ounce of water into the soil then tossed a handful of rice hulls on top and spread them.

I missed this earlier..
Did you water these pots already? Organic soil should be treated differently than inert soil-less mixes.. Instead of wet and dry phases, you want to keep the soil evenly hydrated at all times. Not water logged, but evenly hydrated.. Sometimes watering a bit from the top and the bottom helps,,as well as watering 50% then waiting 10 minutes and watering the other 50%... that's what i do (cloth pots) and it works pretty well. Ive not had any issues.
Just a heads up that unless you already watered these pots in when you filled them up, 1 oz isn't enough to do so. You kinda have to water soil like its got a plant in it, even when it doesnt, to keep it going. Especially the top dress!
Looking good!

Organic black strap molasses 1tbsp /gal!!