Second attempt and something's wrong why?

Jan 24, 2021
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Hi everyone, im new in the autoflower world, been growing photoperiod plants for a long time but never grew autos.
Btw im down south in México and my weather is hot and humid like hell, but we are now in winter so temps and RH are kinda ok but now that i've been reading a lot and watching tutorials i think my RH still high for autos.
So my first attempt which was an exodus cheese auto from GHS bank got stunted with light and the soil i used was no bueno for the seedling so she is in flower now and i probably i get enough for a joint, that doesnt worry me now because i have plenty of buds from my photoperiods harvests so im trying to learn by my mistakes but its getting expensive each seed that gets stunted or die on me gets me frustrated, so now im trying again with a soiless mix which is very light and also has micorrizhae but again muy seedling is not growing, this time i popped a king's kush auto from GHS and today is the fourth day and she has grow super slow and very Tiny leaves, what im i doing wrong?
Im using 3 gallon smart pot, soiless mix, water only at 5.8-6.1 pH, using a cfl this time, temps are 24° (75f) the lowest and 29° (85f) and RH is 77% during day and 55% or so during night, with some days a bit cooler.
Here's a pic at day 5:

There's so many possible factors at play. There's so many people who can maybe help here but it makes it easier when you fill out the form that's somewhere here I'll try and find it but I think it's maybe in the infirmary section. It's a rewarding and frustrating process but if you have done photos you'll be OK im sure they aren't that much different if you can grow you will get it straightened out I believe. Also this site has all the helpful community anyone could need. I'll look for the infirmary form if I can find it I'll post it for you.
@SpUnJaH :welcome:Welcome to AFN:welcome: Relax - breath in, breath out. She looks fine. Growth is all roots in the beginning. Start with 1/4 strength nutrients in a few more days.
Hi everyone, im new in the autoflower world, been growing photoperiod plants for a long time but never grew autos.
Btw im down south in México and my weather is hot and humid like hell, but we are now in winter so temps and RH are kinda ok but now that i've been reading a lot and watching tutorials i think my RH still high for autos.
So my first attempt which was an exodus cheese auto from GHS bank got stunted with light and the soil i used was no bueno for the seedling so she is in flower now and i probably i get enough for a joint, that doesnt worry me now because i have plenty of buds from my photoperiods harvests so im trying to learn by my mistakes but its getting expensive each seed that gets stunted or die on me gets me frustrated, so now im trying again with a soiless mix which is very light and also has micorrizhae but again muy seedling is not growing, this time i popped a king's kush auto from GHS and today is the fourth day and she has grow super slow and very Tiny leaves, what im i doing wrong?
Im using 3 gallon smart pot, soiless mix, water only at 5.8-6.1 pH, using a cfl this time, temps are 24° (75f) the lowest and 29° (85f) and RH is 77% during day and 55% or so during night, with some days a bit cooler.
Here's a pic at day 5:

View attachment 1280966

heya @SpUnJaH and :welcome: to afn! :toke: i been goin thru the same thing meself the last few'z still got me stumped, so if/when i get it figgered out, i'll let ya know, lol :rofl: :rolleyes2: meanwhile, otherz will chime in & anything else u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

Stay the course; nothing in your parameters seem out of range, 77% and 85*F is actually okay, not ideal, but not the end of the world by any means.
Thanks everyone for the quick responses, after reading all now i feel less worried, i will follow your advices and hope for the best.
I didn't paste the form here as those are the guys you would want to look at it and they said it was cool. Glad they could ease your mind!!