ٍSecond AF grow (help and tips)

Took some new pictures today, is there a slight discoloration on tips or am I just imagining it? waiting for soil to dry so I can give them their first proper feed.


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Update 5 June:

So I took a look today, the tips discoloration got a little bit bigger. Soil hasn't dried up completely.

What else looks weird with the girls? I recalculated a bit and the Moby dick is actually 12 days old now.

Both Amnesia Hazes have completed their second week and now on the third. Day 15/16 probably.


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Help needed, today I watered the three plants with nuts but clumsy me when I was re-positioning the lights one of the wire caught into the moby dick ( the tall one) it got bent out of shape and I honestly don't know what to do, I tried supporting it with my finger a couple of minuets but did not work of course.

What should I do (pictures attached)


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Support it with a toothpick for a few days and it should stand on its own.
Support it with a toothpick for a few days and it should stand on its own.
Thanks for the reply!

I used a cloths hanger cut to size and supported in the other direction, I did water/feed her less than the other two AH since its less developed and due to the bending situation.

I think the two AH are not developing as they should be! their on day 18 and only another small node developed so far! I also noted something, the soil mix for the two AH isn't as fluffy as the moby dick's, when I press on the surface of MD's pot I sense lightness and the surface nearby also kinda moves so I guess that a plus for MD plant.

Your opinions on the matter? I'll update with photos today.
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Get the light closer and put a small fan on them to strengthen them up.
Hi, here with photos of the 3 plants:

I was able to support the MD and its kinda growing in the right direction. Gonna keep the support for a couple of days to make sure. Maybe this is the beginning of my LST experience lol.

Day 19 for the two AH and moby dick is 15 days old. I fed with FF grow big and big bloom also calmag, mixed in a 5 gallon bucket and PH was 6.46 approx. Still didn't test run off.

One question, when should I test run off? immediately after water or let water accumulate overnight cause thats how I do it! please advise.

So long


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I read your post and thought I could help.
1. I’d start feeding as soon as you are comfortable you have flushed your medium well.. is it coco or soil?
2. I run my autos 20/4 schedule.
My opinion, plants need rest just like we do, they respirate in the dark, take in oxygen, break down the sugars and carbon dioxide from a long ass day of photosynthesizing.
3. 86* (30C) is fine, I wouldn’t venture much higher, because heat stress can become a factor, and it becomes harder to maintain proper humidity.
A relative humidity of 45-65% is fine.
The VPD (Vapor Pressure Deficit) Chart is a good “guideline” but it’s not the holy grail.
In DWC pH and water temp are King because things happen extremely fast!
I’m talkin’ right before your eyes fast in some cases!
In coco, not so fast, but quicker imho than soil. You can flush coco quick if you fuck up, soil takes a minute.
I hope this helps a little, and gives you some confidence in moving forward.

My medium is soil (peat moss + some compost + perlite + vermiculite). I have started feeding the last 36 hours. Is it necessary to let soil dry before next feeding? and should I water with just water in between feedings?

This helped a lot my friend, please feel free to visit more and impart your knowledge lol.

Thanks mate.
It’s not “necessary” to let your medium dry out... but it’s kind of your “gauge” to know when to water/feed etc.
My auto plant is 15 days old. She was “reared” in a solo cup until 3rd node, then I transferred her to a 5 gallon pot.
It is said that you should start your “auto” seed in its forever home...
Blah, blah, blah!!!... if you have too, ok... but germinating in a solo cup or equivalent is perfectly fine!... just be gentle when transplanting and she will love you for it!
Anywhoo... (I know I’m a loooong winded MF’er sometimes)

This is exactly my “process” your mileage may very...

I just fed her three 18oz solo cups of food...
I wait for her to “leech” the food I gave her...(runoff)... if she leeches 20% of the feed I just gave her within a 2-5 minutes, I stop feeding.
If she does NOT leech 20%, she gets another cup of food.
Coco is a fine medium, and it is airy and allows the feed to disperse throughout the medium... I like to saturate it good because I don’t want her to have to “search” for food... a photo plant has lots of time... an auto is on a set schedule, and every day counts...
I check her periodically throughout the day, I physically “weigh” her container every 4-6 hours to “feel” how much she has consumed.
I flush her once every week to 10 days, with my garden hose outdoors/or via the shower in the bathroom... (btw, my house tap water pH is 6.5-6.8 consistently)
I gently spray her with an easy shower of water until “her cup runneth over”...
and I let the drainage calm to a slow drip... then I dry her leaves with Q Tips as to not damage her leaves... once she is placed back under the big light... I call it her “weekly Spa Treatment”... it’s how I roll.
Then repeat weekly.

I have friends that NEVER flush their autos because they don’t feel it is necessary due to the fact that it’s an “auto”... short lifespan etc. and they grow huge plants!

I treat my plant/s as though they are my children... I watch/study/stare at them to learn all I can everyday.

Growing weed is NOT rocket science... the damn thing will grow in shit, if you give it enough attention!!!...

I know one guy that says “treat her like a stripper” you gotta slap her around!...lol
And he grows absolute Monster plants!
It’s all in what your interest is with your plant?

Me personally, I like damn good looking herb, I like fat ass buds, not because they smoke any better because they don’t... I love the beauty in the plant... consumption is just the icing on the cake!... it’s just a pride/OCD thingy with me.

If I’m going to put 3-4 months into growing...
I like for her to be pampered, massaged, treated like a Queen!...
I like Happy looking bud... not some beat up stripper looking, tatted up crack whore plant! Hahaha!

Holler if I can answer anything that comes your way...

Ugh, I haven't got a third node yet which is why I think their underdeveloped (day 20).
I am germinating another two Amnesia hazes, their in the paper towel now. They have been in a water cup for the last 40 hours (no tap root appearance but they all sank to bottom).

I might do they solo cup method by I am afraid of transplanting (kinda clumsy) lol. What cup size is recommended? beer size? where to dig holes?

Another thing, I installed another LED light 600w about the three little ones which I think caused a spike in heat (31.8-32c) and gonna get hotter in midst of summer which I don't think is good. Am going today to an appliances store try to find a nice compact AC unit for tent cause I don't think outer AC is gonna be able to manage temp. Also I think it might improve air quality and circulation (also humidity cause they are mostly water based!). That's giving into account that I don't have air coming in directly to the tent (no fan sucking air in) just fan+carbon filter sucking air out. Any thoughts on the matter?

I fed today with a different PH (5.8) previously I fed them at 6.4-6.5. I heard its good to change the PH of feed in that range is that alright?

BTW I understand where your coming from, I think after my last grow I am in love with the experience itself. Am not really good am I think am putting the a great effort after the last grow. I would like to see fat buds and try new shit like LST this time round.

Appreciate your input buddy.
I would be disappointed as well after 20 days and no further development...
As far as seed germination... I’ve done the paper towel thing too... not a big fan of it, because I have had tremendously great luck with placing seed directly into a solo cup, rock wool cube etc... in my mind, it bypasses the paper towel germination blah, blah, blah... I am a get right to it kind of guy!
I’d give the seeds at the bottom of the glass until tomorrow.. but that is just me.
-As far as solo cup size... think Beer Pong cup! hahaha!
Take a lighter... burn three drainage holes around bottom edges of solo cup... it works fantastic!
Any size solo cup is good, mine stay in the cup until they sprout... then about a week later... third node shows up, then it’s game time in the forever home!
Let the solo cup baby dry to the point the cup is super lightweight... this makes the developing rootball hold its shape for transplant into bigger pot. Gently squeeze the sides of the solo cup gently turn cup upside down slightly squeezing sides of cup until she slides out... then make sure the medium she is going into is prepared properly with moist medium already saturated with water and nutes... if you do this, she won’t miss a beat!
- As far as the 600w light on the little ones... don’t put it too close to the babies or they will fry... keep the light 48” or higher above their canopy until three weeks of age... this is usually when an auto reaches maturity... as long as you have sufficient growth... stay the course.
After she has reached maturity... I lower my light to 30” above canopy.
-Air movement... air movement is important. I like my room/tent temperature to be 75-85* degrees.
My max temp at anytime is 86* Fahrenheit... period.
I keep my humidity level between 45%- 65%... period.
An oscillating fan or two is important... I like a fan blowing just over the top of the leaves... enough to move them... and another blowing under or midway up her stalk when she has some size on her.
-pH... I keep my pH in DWC @ 5.5-5.7... occasionally let it “drift” towards 6.0... no higher.
Nutrients are a funny thing... some of the nutrient “uptake” happens at a lower pH, others like a higher pH...
This is most likely “why” you were told the fluctuation... better known as “drift” was mentioned.
- As far as letting it rise to 6.4, 6.5 +... you are just asking for trouble.
My rule of thumb is this... the Higher your pH climbs... the darker green the leaves become because of the onset of nutrient lockout. Look at it like this... when you are hungry, you start to get irritated, your stomach starts rumbling etc. etc.
When you are starving!... your stomach starts to eat your spine etc... you follow me?
Plants are the exact same way, they get irritable just like we do.
In DWC things happen very fast, this can be good and bad... in Coco, things happen quickly... in soil, things happen much slower, and you have to be attentive to these subtle changes, so that you can adjust where it’s needed.
I enjoy sharing “what I think I know” with others. I’m NO GURU... just an average Joe with an unbelievable passion for growing the best damn medicine on earth I can for myself and the wife.
I hope this helps you, good luck with your grow!
Holler anytime, I’ll be glad to help... and/or find for you the answers that I may not have!

Appreciate your help, I took notes off of your reply am gonna attempt to do the cup method with the new seeds.

As for feed than its a problem! I have been feeding them 6.5PH for a while now. I will adjust to 5.5-5.7 as you recommended.

Sorry but whats DWC?

And I bought an air cooler (not conditioner) idk if it will work as needed, has a 8lt water tank and supposed to cool air with it. I did make a fast call I think there are better products for sure. It has two ice pack shaped like flasks to cool the water. I put them the freezer for now, will update later.

Took some photos and some strange discolorations are happening with one of AH, and weird leaves kinda for all of the plants. Can you check them out?

It might not be clear cause I didn't turn off the lights. but I drew circles around the areas. Its not clear from the picture but the bigger circle on the opposite leaves its a where the leave is kinda concave with some discolorations.
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