Lighting Scientific proof COBs are better than blurple

Howdy folk :toke:

Just came across this little gem. Remember that "the NASA spectrum" is a couple dozen years old by now.

This, as with all science papers, should be taken with a big grain of salt. But it's always been my gut instinct that we still have a long way to go to fully understand and better make use of light spectrum. I was never sold on the idea that the green spectrum did nothing. Sure, maybe not chlorophyl/photosynthesis, but surely an aggregate physiology. Seems my gut was on to something… I mean, plants were here way before us, and natural selection surely should have found a use for all that irradiated power, right?

Well, of course! Plants sure do use all the spectrum. Hell, HPS is all yellow and it produces kiss ass bud.

I myself am convinced that for the ultra-pro conscientious grower… white natural light, leaning towards the warm-white is the way to go to better reproduce nature indoors.

This paper is quite bold in stating that green spectrum actually ends up being more efficient that reds. Go figure. It's all explained in there, but any questions let me know, Ill do my best

Green Light Drives Leaf Photosynthesis More Efficiently than Red Light in Strong White Light: Revisiting the Enigmatic Question of Why Leaves are Green

Re green light efficiency: Given that most green light is reflected, would it be correct to conclude... in general, the nominal amount of green that is absorbed is used very efficiently? If this is correct, then do plants require only a very small amount of green light to reap associated benefits?
Thanks Arty and Groff!!