Sweet Seeds Scally420 is SAD!

SAD#1 day 72,I think shes getting the chop in the next 7-10 days!
Rock on Scally! That looks beauty!! :)

I'd agree 7-10 days of pure water (don't do what i used to do and add PH down lol - it's better with just plain water)

Those are some nice chuky buds of goodness - have a rep slap on me!! :)

I hearby Nominate this lovely SAD for July BOM Competition.

I hope you get lots of votes and win the lovely seed prizes! :)
I like this one for chunkiness, but the choice is yours - just let @Waximus know if you'd like the photo changed! :)
I must apologize to Sweet Seeds for murdering 2 of their seeds,the 2 SADs that did not make it was 100% my fault,due to the freaky hot weather over here the soil I had stored baked in my shed so the poor little SADs starved to death,I only realized what was happening when I planted a caramella and it started to do the same thing.....on an earlier post I said they didn't smell even when I fed them,well I had to take them out of the tent and leave them in my bedroom for a few hours this week and lets just say I'am lucky not to be getting DIVORCED!!!