Sweet Seeds Scally420 is SAD!

I forgot to add what I'am feeding them,SAD#1 #2 and #3 are getting 5ml grow,5ml fishmix and 5ml alg a mic mixed in a 5ltr container they get roughly 1 and a half litres each,SAD#4 is getting 50ml of water and root juice everyday.
SAD#1 day36 got switched to bloom nutes monday got her second feed today of 1.5ml bloom 1.5ml fish mix 1.5ml alg a mic and 1.5ml of big bud in 1.5 ltrs of water.
SAD#4 did'nt make it she looked good for a week then dropped don't know why,got another SAD in the soil will post pic's when she shows up,had a problem with nitrogen deficiency with SAD#1#2 and #3 thats why they are getting the fish mix hopefully that sorts them out!