Live Stoner Chat Saying hi from Ontario, Canada!

Thanks everyone! Feeling at home already.

What are you growing?
AutoSeeds GSC, Bomb Seeds Berry Bomb, Mephisto Grape Walker Kush and Auto Livers

Great choices all around! GSC is one of my go-to strains, Berry Bomb sounds delicious and Grape Walker Kush is on my list of things I want to try and grow one day.

I swear most of the canadians joining the site lately are all from ontario :rofl:

Hey @shumway glad to know I'm in good company. Best country in the world!

Hello and welcome to AFN

Thanks @bushmasterar15

Welcome Northern Canadian brother from Michigan

Thanks man :pass:


Lol hey fellow ontaronian where do you order your mephisto from and what's the shipping cost lol Ive been adding through true north but mephisto mostly sold out. Congrats on journal man I'll definetly take a look welcome weed wonderland lol. Best thing I've learned about on this site is the uses of H202 has drastically helped me day one on here [HASHTAG]#growtogrow[/HASHTAG] I believe good luck gr-OH canada

Tomorrow will be my first Mephisto purchase, assuming they can figure out their issue with payment processor. I'm going to buy directly from their Canadian store because a lot of people on /r/microgrowery and /r/mephheads say great things about their generosity/freebies. Although it might be cheaper to buy from True North Seed Bank when they have things like their 4/20 sale (42% off site-wide). But I haven't used TNSB before and would prefer to go to breeder directly.

Love it ! We rolling deep on AFN

How do we go about getting an emoji of a hockey playing beaver burning one down?

been lurking for some time or first day here

I run into threads on this forum from time to time while searching on Google. Some of the threads on here made me feel confident about switching to Mega Crop and I'm really thankful for that. But no, haven't been lurking in the shadows or anything. Pretty new to growing in general but hooked and learning fast.

I'm excited to join this community and recently created my first grow log. Would love if you follow along and provide some guidance as needed.
Sorry, I'm not allowed to help Canadians. Yeah it was a weird sentencing. I am lying of course.
My advice to a new grower, even if Canadian, is to take your time and be sure of what and how much you are putting in your plants. Don't get too handsy. That is a sure fire way to F up a grow. And try hard not to compare your plants with others. That is a lesson in futility. Hope all goes well. Good luck.

Welcome to the forum!
Another Ontarian here from South Western Ontario.
Have a room with Mephisto auto's and a Berry Bomb auto for fun.

Since it is legal to share and send herb in the mail now, all of us in Ontario should form an exchange group!
This way we get to sample a lot of different strains. May be worth thinking about!

Will be tagging along with you and your grow!

Welcome to the forum!
Another Ontarian here from South Western Ontario.
Have a room with Mephisto auto's and a Berry Bomb auto for fun.

Since it is legal to share and send herb in the mail now, all of us in Ontario should form an exchange group!
This way we get to sample a lot of different strains. May be worth thinking about!

Will be tagging along with you and your grow!
Love it. I'd like clone exchange program along the 401 hwy in southern Ontario haha

Sent from my Z978 using Tapatalk
Since it is legal to share and send herb in the mail now, all of us in Ontario should form an exchange group!
This way we get to sample a lot of different strains. May be worth thinking about!

Just a little heads up on that thought ;)

There is to be no begging, offers to buy, selling, charitable offering, or trading of any kind on the public forums (no seeds, no pollen, no clones, no equipment, etc.)

Any such request for distribution of any kind must be approved and authorized by the administrative staff of the Autoflower Network.