SANlight sanlight EVO 140 and 60 series perpetual grow with biotabs Dutch passion kerosine krash sssc and seedstockers

And now for some new recruits 2 seedstockers galato one to stay in a solo and sssc new auto elephant and the 2 in 1 are Twenty20 snow g that are both going in a 15 ltr airpot @Twenty20 Adam I got same mutation but she's growing
@Bmurrciless thanks so much that was really nice of you bro and when i found this place i had the warmest welcome and i just never left its a very special place afn
@Bmurrciless thanks so much that was really nice of you bro and when i found this place i had the warmest welcome and i just never left its a very special place afn
Man, that's an understatement!
I've only had one negative experience here and the powers in charge handled it quite well. There couldn't be a better website out there!
Day 34 for my glue sniffer from Twenty20 and day 73 for my mephisto sour crinkle and today may be here choparoo day but size wise the pics don't do her justice
Lookin good man!!
thanks, bro I've had a busy day the tents been cleaned sterilised ready for this upcoming lot and the crinkle only took a couple of hours to trim and thanks for popping back ere
That’s a lot of work there yo!
ive tied down a plant and watered.
that’s the extent of my tent work this am. I’m being lazy today and just gonna creep in afn all day long lol