SANlight sanlight EVO 140 and 60 series perpetual grow with biotabs Dutch passion kerosine krash sssc and seedstockers

Good morning well today I managed to get in the tent to adjust the lights so now there 30 cm over the tops now as stretch is very minimal with these cheese 🧀 puffs
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So green, :toke:I put 2.5 tabs in each of my pots yesterday, no time like the present :jointman:
So green, :toke:I put 2.5 tabs in each of my pots yesterday, no time like the present :jointman:
You can always put them in later or as you need them but for every 5 litre of medium you want 1 tab as on biotabs site it says 15 litre should have 2 but Antonio told me to go with 3 and I feel this run I haven't chased my tail as much and 3 of them have had another half a tab but I grow big plants .also deano these are my autopots so these haven't had the same bac bloom as the 2 top fed girls in the other tent as with them being autopots they have a different routine for me
You can always put them in later or as you need them but for every 5 litre of medium you want 1 tab as on biotabs site it says 15 litre should have 2 but Antonio told me to go with 3 and I feel this run I haven't chased my tail as much and 3 of them have had another half a tab but I grow big plants .also deano these are my autopots so these haven't had the same bac bloom as the 2 top fed girls in the other tent as with them being autopots they have a different routine for me
My pots are 13litres, I used 2 last time and felt I needed a bit more. Like you say, I can always add more if and when needed.
Frosty Friday here and the girls are looking splendid at day 47 and day 42 so 15 days behind

Those are some very healthy, frosty girls!
A huge thanks to both of you
They are coming along nice looking frosty and lush green perfect :thumbsup:
Your so nice to keep popping back here as you don't know how much I appreciate it also I think I've found the easiest way to grow weed effort wise and I think I'm not going back to mineral nutes
A huge thanks to both of you

Your so nice to keep popping back here as you don't know how much I appreciate it also I think I've found the easiest way to grow weed effort wise and I think I'm not going back to mineral nutes
I'm with you on the organics, having seen how your current grow has progressed, I'm totally sold. You've grown some astonishing plants but the KK you have now is special.. :toke: I'll be using the Btabs full dry line up next time round and have the PK and Bactrex to use for the Showcase.:jointman: