Jupp, easy as can be. We always add in a bit of new nutrients for re-used organic soil, mostly silicium flash, bit of startrex and a tiny wee bit of mycotrex, definitely use the mycotrex in the new planting hole. And don't forget to put in a few Biotabs. Like +- 1 per 5L of soil if you are growing photoperiods, up until 20L of soil. From there on you don't need them in the same ratio, maybe 5-6 in a 30-50L pot if you want to go big.
When I personally first started with this growing technique Biotabs wasn't even there, a company called Bio-sannie, from the breeder of Sannie's Seeds, also from the wietforum and opengrow had the same line of products, with startrex, mycotrex and tabs as well. 2 additional products were great, one called Bio-char to reboost the used soil, and yucca, a liquid that helped improved water retention (in case the soil dried out) Truly magnificient products, worked like a charm every time.
Also now with the added Biotabs products there is a complete line so you don't need anything else (only that Yucca would have been great), you can use the same soil without buying new soil for years in a row, and it does sound weird, but it seems the soil is getting better and better after each round. You will be able to get great results even 3-5 years later, no bs!