SANlight sanlight EVO 140 and 60 series perpetual grow with biotabs Dutch passion kerosine krash sssc and seedstockers

Here's some pics from my 2x2 girls the big moby dick and both solo cups anyhow moby is 9 weeks today and solos at day 49
I never really get much of an Aroma until I chop them mate also I was thinking about chopping her on Friday what are your thoughts

I do think she is ready for it mate :tang:
I do think she is ready for it mate :tang:
so you think she's pretty much finished I will also check her trichomes maybe tomorrow but shes been an absolute breeze to grow and I posted a load of pics of her on Instagram and people fell in love with her
Thanks bro and at the moment it's just getting its fresh air from my hall but I will stick a pair or tights on the end and thanks for the tip it's really appreciated
Try to explain that to the missus while getting caught red handed in her panty drawer :rofl:
Hey @St. Tom . found my way on over. :woohoo1: and pulling a chair up.

About your RH i think your in absolutely perfect parameters, Highs with lights on and lows with them off. Tuff to achieve in tents.
I run realy high with lights on at about 68 - 72 and use my dehumidifier to get down to 62 with lights off.
I found going high with lights on OK very rarely see bud rot but if it high with lights off then your possible asking for trouble.

Do you use worm castings? Since I've been included them in my coco (and a weekly compost tea) I've not seen bud root in over a year.
Hey @St. Tom . found my way on over. :woohoo1: and pulling a chair up.

About your RH i think your in absolutely perfect parameters, Highs with lights on and lows with them off. Tuff to achieve in tents.
I run realy high with lights on at about 68 - 72 and use my dehumidifier to get down to 62 with lights off.
I found going high with lights on OK very rarely see bud rot but if it high with lights off then your possible asking for trouble.

Do you use worm castings? Since I've been included them in my coco (and a weekly compost tea) I've not seen bud root in over a year.
Thanks so much for this I've been flapping to be honest about the rh and at lights off I'm totally in your ballpark also I told you I've missed your wisdom bro .also today I'm going to chop the dp girl and let my 4 photo periods really stretch there legs and I've never used worm castings but I'm going to going them see what I can find
Thanks so much for this I've been flapping to be honest about the rh and at lights off I'm totally in your ballpark also I told you I've missed your wisdom bro .also today I'm going to chop the dp girl and let my 4 photo periods really stretch there legs and I've never used worm castings but I'm going to going them see what I can find

I've started to produce my own castings, managed to shoe horn a wormary into the corner of the veg room. Still not harvest any yet, maybe a month or two away from my first tray.

I have been using Willy's Worm castings (it's a bait shop), so far with huge success. Had very little ph issues, a noticed increase in health as in bud rot has disappeared from that space. Interestingly my RnD that's flood and drain, no castings or microbes come end of summer bud rot shows its face.
It reduces your nutes, you can hang at 1.2 to 1.4 ec easy. I find more often than not I'm around 1.2. I can imagine maybe a bit lower for autos.

I will say this don't buy any that is sold by any cannabis leaning site. Especially the new super soil company's that have sprung up in the UK. Typically they are charging 4 x the price than your average garden supplies or bait shop.
I've started to produce my own castings, managed to shoe horn a wormary into the corner of the veg room. Still not harvest any yet, maybe a month or two away from my first tray.

I have been using Willy's Worm castings (it's a bait shop), so far with huge success. Had very little ph issues, a noticed increase in health as in bud rot has disappeared from that space. Interestingly my RnD that's flood and drain, no castings or microbes come end of summer bud rot shows its face.
It reduces your nutes, you can hang at 1.2 to 1.4 ec easy. I find more often than not I'm around 1.2. I can imagine maybe a bit lower for autos.

I will say this don't buy any that is sold by any cannabis leaning site. Especially the new super soil company's that have sprung up in the UK. Typically they are charging 4 x the price than your average garden supplies or bait shop.
Thanks for sharing I also have some biosys from ecothrive that I use on my soil girls if and when I run them I think that's microbes type of thing so I can always treat my coco girls with it too
I'm off to chop this Dutch passion Test strain soon so pics incoming she's at day 64 but I think she's ready without even checking trichomes