SANlight sanlight EVO 140 and 60 series perpetual grow with biotabs Dutch passion kerosine krash sssc and seedstockers

Couple of pics from last night of the 2x2 tent the big moby dick from seedstockers is in biotabs but I'm concerned she's looking hungry I also give her 20ml of oragatex early in the week and I started her off with 2 biotabs being an autoflower but she is in a 15 ltr pot so I'm unsure how to proceed so @Bob's Auto's what's your take on it maybe top dress
7 weeks 8 days bro

In my biotabs grows i used an organic PK bloom booster when my plants started to lighten later in flower. Worked really well. I found the orgatrex to be a bit weak.

It was plant magics old timers pk booster. Fattened the buds up real good.

In my biotabs grows i used an organic PK bloom booster when my plants started to lighten later in flower. Worked really well. I found the orgatrex to be a bit weak.

It was plant magics old timers pk booster. Fattened the buds up real good.

I have ecothrive charge and life cycle to use as a top dress also some biotabs pk stuff and that says feed 1 to 3 ml with every watering or 10ml weekly .any thoughts on it
I have ecothrive charge and life cycle to use as a top dress also some biotabs pk stuff and that says feed 1 to 3 ml with every watering or 10ml weekly .any thoughts on it
Sorry for the late reply brother. Had to take a nap after work :thumbsup:
I just used the following recipe. 12L / 3.17gal water, 75gr Silicium Flash, 12gr Bactrex and 25ml Orgatrex.
In your case as you're plants are full on in flower I would dial back on the Silicium Flash and add 50gr to the water, the Bactrex and the Orgatrex. Also add 24ml PK 5-8 or, if you have the PK Booster Compost Tee brew 12L Tee and add the above minus the PK 5-8 to that. I hope this makes sense?
Sorry for the late reply brother. Had to take a nap after work :thumbsup:
I just used the following recipe. 12L / 3.17gal water, 75gr Silicium Flash, 12gr Bactrex and 25ml Orgatrex.
In your case as you're plants are full on in flower I would dial back on the Silicium Flash and add 50gr to the water, the Bactrex and the Orgatrex. Also add 24ml PK 5-8 or, if you have the PK Booster Compost Tee brew 12L Tee and add the above minus the PK 5-8 to that. I hope this makes sense?
sorry I don't have the flash stuff also early in the week I gave it 20ml of orgatrex and 1 gram of bactrex and I haven't seen any improvement in the colour so how would you proceed if I was to make a fresh pick me up for her say in a couple of days
Also here are my 4 strawberry cookie photos on liquid food waiting to be flipped in maybe a week but the girl in the middle @Bob's Auto's is my other biotab girl and she's been great besides a little brown specs that I treated with calmag so both on the same routine and she too had the drink at the start of the week
I have ecothrive charge and life cycle to use as a top dress also some biotabs pk stuff and that says feed 1 to 3 ml with every watering or 10ml weekly .any thoughts on it

I forgot that I crumbled a biotab on top of soil, mixed in and watered. The biotabs pk I'd use at the full dose 3ml every watering. Could probably get away with more.

I have no experience with the ecothrive range. Had a read on their website and it looks like it doesn't need a lot as a top dress. 1 - 2 tbls per 20-40l soil but says not to use it 5 weeks before harvest?
