SANlight sanlight EVO 140 and 60 series perpetual grow with biotabs Dutch passion kerosine krash sssc and seedstockers

Canna coco pro plus m8.
Maybe I've been lucky also are you bringing fresh air in from out doors as I use my tent vents for fresh air but I've heard of people getting bugs coming in through ducting and if that the case if you can find a pair of tights if you stick it over your ducting like a stocking mask it will block them
Lots going on @hope2grow a quick question regarding potting these light mix from solo cups into coco 15 litres as from using lightmix earlier I find seedlings look better started in it and thats the blue cups by the way @RustyStarbuck72 same question also the other 2 Dutch passion girls are going in 15ltr s aswell
Screenshot_20211204-195745_Days Counter.jpg

Some pics from today off instagram aswell I potted up the both lightmix solo cups into the coco and I'm so happy with the results also @Suki813 here's some pics of zeta as your avatar made me smile I love the big ears on the shepherd's also a last mention to my brother @Vapo I haven't spoke to you in a while I hope your well :pass: :bighug::bighug:

Some pics from today off instagram aswell I potted up the both lightmix solo cups into the coco and I'm so happy with the results also @Suki813 here's some pics of zeta as your avatar made me smile I love the big ears on the shepherd's also a last mention to my brother @Vapo I haven't spoke to you in a while I hope your well :pass: :bighug::bighug:View attachment 1394830View attachment 1394831View attachment 1394832View attachment 1394833View attachment 1394834View attachment 1394835

All looking lovely Tom can’t believe it’s been over 3 weeks on the seedstockers solos already the last pic of your dog made me laugh looks like he’s thinking wtf are you doing taking pictures of me while I sleep that flash better be off or so help me god
All looking lovely Tom can’t believe it’s been over 3 weeks on the seedstockers solos already the last pic of your dog made me laugh looks like he’s thinking wtf are you doing taking pictures of me while I sleep that flash better be off or so help me god
shes a character that's for sure
Looking good as always Tom!!! Love the pics of Zeta! Had a Australian Shepherd named Lily for 17 yrs. Best dog ever!! ❤
you have great taste also I've owned shepherds for as long as I can remember there just great in every way and this one is the same as my others can wrap me around her finger and blags me none stop for treats or a stroke
Few pics from today all 4 youngsters are now potted up I also decided to throw one solo cup in a 2 litre bottle I chose the one I didn't top also my big fastbuds forbidden runtz is getting very close to chop now .also I think this little elf has been robbing me blind as he had a full arm full of the elephant weed in his arms and I even noticed he'd pinched my seedstockers badge least he's got good taste
Solo 2 2 litre.jpg
A blast from the past these were my last 2 shepherd's zack and zara I still miss all my dogs in different ways they all made a massive dent in my heart when I lost them this pic just popped up today so I thought I'd share it .and last but not least is my new girl well she's 3 and sticking with the z theme she's zeta
Also a couple of tags @Suki813 @hairyman