SANlight sanlight EVO 140 and 60 series perpetual grow with biotabs Dutch passion kerosine krash sssc and seedstockers

I am doing OK bro, you?
Busy getting myself organised for working away, need disclosures done and also register with other bodies to get the contract. Better pay off cost me the best part of 2K for these registrations ontop of my existing overheads.
My light also going back for a warranty claim, at my expense!? Lol. Just out of 1yr full warranty. Not too happy about it, but what can I do? Cheaper than a new one which I can't afford just now.
repairs can leave you totally stuck I feel for you I do especially if you don't have anything to use why the light is away getting swapped or replaced and I wish you were close to offer you some help but your a fair distance from here
Thank you bro. I will get set up for the autopot system and Sohums as soon as I get a wage. Can't send it off for 2 weeks till my last solo cup is finished.
Things are going well on my flower girls but the lemon diesel girls are proper smelly i mean if i open the tent boom it hits you thank god for carbon filters lol any heres the pics
Hi Tom. Great looking buds there. Quick question, You said you found that the soil was not keen on the being too wet. What would be your advice on using the autopot with it? Thinking about it because of work and not being at home 3 maybe 4 days? Light going back to manufacturer, they are being OK and I only need to pay to get it to their repair centre in UK.
Hi Tom. Great looking buds there. Quick question, You said you found that the soil was not keen on the being too wet. What would be your advice on using the autopot with it? Thinking about it because of work and not being at home 3 maybe 4 days? Light going back to manufacturer, they are being OK and I only need to pay to get it to their repair centre in UK.
if you could get it id maybe buy a small pack of clay pebbles and put a very small amount at the base of the pot I just felt it may of helped with drainage but only my biggest girl I've found was really having issues you could maybe instead of the pebbles mix a small bit of perlite in with it but id like to get @Mañ'O'Green or @pop22 or @Olderfart opinions on it
From what I've read on here - Blending perlite into the soil will work better than a separate layer of pebbles. If you have different layers the water doesn't wick through them the same. I can't remember how to explain it better at the moment. Old guy AM brain fog.....
I have not used the clay balls, so I can't advise on how they might work. As long as they are only a portion of the material in the bottom inch or so of the pot, I doubt that they would do any harm as long as they are a high quality brand. I recall other growers who have run into issues with cheaper ones.

All I have done in the bottom of my soil pots is put extra aeration material (either perlite, vermiculite, or in the current grow, both) in the bottom inch or so just to make sure that the part of the soil that is flooded is able to drain well and aerate between floodings. I think the key with autopots is that you need to make sure that the material in the flood zone is still capable of wicking well, and that means leaving sufficient fine material there. Just my 2 cents of course, others here have a heck of a lot more experience with soil in this setup.

I have run into a few plants that were droopy in autopots, but have never been able to satisfy myself that it was more autopots than genetics, or whether it was actually a problem. This time around, I intend to ignore it if it comes up and see where it goes. I chased it with my CDLCx3BOG last winter, and nothing I did made any noticeable difference one way or another, it stayed droopy but made bud anyway in spite of my other screwups. I can't recall whether I deliberately dried it out, but suspect that I did.

Happy growing all. :pighug:
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