SANlight sanlight EVO 140 and 60 series perpetual grow with biotabs Dutch passion kerosine krash sssc and seedstockers

these actually have a Bluetooth driver for dimming on your phone I think it just shows its synced but I had a choice of with a little hand wand or the Bluetooth I will get a pic later and show you bro but this is my phone app View attachment 1378931
Ok........That's some good geekness!

I was kinda hoping that it was different light cycles for veg n flower! :biggrin: :eyebrows::eyebrows:
Hi Pal,, sweet new lights :cheers: ..isn't sure about the soil or the charge you mention,, so as i understand it ,,its do all in one soil ,, and you aint fed anything apart from the charge ?

:smoking: you know i hate giving advice ,,:crying:,,,so first off ,,pick that real scabby leaf off :thumbsup:,,now we look better :smoking:the top far right i would gentley dose with that bio tabs pk you got,,,well all of them ,,but perhaps a stronger feed for that one , ,,,,again if you could make a feed up of a mix of that powdered stuff from bio tabs and give em a dose of that before hand if poss..

the others look fine? i personally would start ta feed them some sugary organic bloom / pk feed as well,,but you on home straight now ,,if you got 2 ton of the stuff a few gentle amendments will see the next grow go smoother:biggrin:

i never ran a bought all in one ,,i have made my own up ,,but i always feed it with fish mix ,,you gotta feed the soil something ,,again ,,my motto is start with a pk/bloom supplement from ten days after showing sex,,they need it early as they start to switch to flower early ,,

,,,so you gone from coco to soil ,,you went with a all in one ,,,but i think you need to still need to feed the soil ,,,with soil again look at new colour growth ,,them big fans their for a reason ,,, i aint bought new soil in years ,,recycle ,,amend with home made compost ,,,and its had countless pkts of mycho and all that jazz but not in a while ,i ,just feed em fish mix or i currently going to town with a couple wee additions to see ho they go :thumbsup:,,
Thanks for that bro im going to hit them with some pk tommorow i also wanted to try this sohums on a one time autopot thing but i may go back to coco the next run but and im still very pleased with them and i recon a small plant may reach the end with sohum but i don't tend to grow small do i lol
Hi Pal,, sweet new lights :cheers: ..isn't sure about the soil or the charge you mention,, so as i understand it ,,its do all in one soil ,, and you aint fed anything apart from the charge ?

:smoking: you know i hate giving advice ,,:crying:,,,so first off ,,pick that real scabby leaf off :thumbsup:,,now we look better :smoking:the top far right i would gentley dose with that bio tabs pk you got,,,well all of them ,,but perhaps a stronger feed for that one , ,,,,again if you could make a feed up of a mix of that powdered stuff from bio tabs and give em a dose of that before hand if poss..

the others look fine? i personally would start ta feed them some sugary organic bloom / pk feed as well,,but you on home straight now ,,if you got 2 ton of the stuff a few gentle amendments will see the next grow go smoother:biggrin:

i never ran a bought all in one ,,i have made my own up ,,but i always feed it with fish mix ,,you gotta feed the soil something ,,again ,,my motto is start with a pk/bloom supplement from ten days after showing sex,,they need it early as they start to switch to flower early ,,

,,,so you gone from coco to soil ,,you went with a all in one ,,,but i think you need to still need to feed the soil ,,,with soil again look at new colour growth ,,them big fans their for a reason ,,, i aint bought new soil in years ,,recycle ,,amend with home made compost ,,,and its had countless pkts of mycho and all that jazz but not in a while ,i ,just feed em fish mix or i currently going to town with a couple wee additions to see ho they go :thumbsup:,,

Fish Mix absolutely worth having in your arsenal now @St. Tom .. cheap as chips too.
Fish Mix absolutely worth having in your arsenal now @St. Tom .. cheap as chips too.
Thanks bro im thinking of also giving the big girl a good foliar spray of calmag today and cut some of the lower leaves off .ive also had fun with soil but i think i may be back to coco next round but its a good experience to have under my belt also big thanks @EP3
Thanks bro im thinking of also giving the big girl a good foliar spray of calmag today and cut some of the lower leaves off .ive also had fun with soil but i think i may be back to coco next round but its a good experience to have under my belt also big thanks @EP3

At this moment in time I don't think I'll ever give up on soil completely m8.. my plan is to alternate 3/4 plants in coco then 4 weeks later 3/4 plants in soil and repeat.. we'll see how that goes :jointman: my next run in coco will be starting around start of December if all goes to plan.. DP Blueberry is gonna be the strain.. need to get some airpots in.. hate the price of them lol even the cheap ones are a rip.. I mean it's a plastic pot ffs :wall: also having trouble with sizes.. want 10/12 but the copy yokes seem to go 8L then 15L.. feel like 8L is slightly too small.. and the bigger you go on size the less of a price difference there is between the copies and the oroginals.. still deciding on that one but won't be growing with coco in anything other than airpots.
At this moment in time I don't think I'll ever give up on soil completely m8.. my plan is to alternate 3/4 plants in coco then 4 weeks later 3/4 plants in soil and repeat.. we'll see how that goes :jointman: my next run in coco will be starting around start of December if all goes to plan.. DP Blueberry is gonna be the strain.. need to get some airpots in.. hate the price of them lol even the cheap ones are a rip.. I mean it's a plastic pot ffs :wall: also having trouble with sizes.. want 10/12 but the copy yokes seem to go 8L then 15L.. feel like 8L is slightly too small.. and the bigger you go on size the less of a price difference there is between the copies and the oroginals.. still deciding on that one but won't be growing with coco in anything other than airpots.
I posted a pic were i got mine in your thread that was cheapest i could find them also i think ive been very lucky up to yet with the soil as i havent seen any bugs yet so thats a plus
Hey Tom, quick question, what do you think on the 25 L autopot system for the soil and an auto, would it be enough then to not need to add stuff? In your opinion?
Thanks bro im thinking of also giving the big girl a good foliar spray of calmag today and cut some of the lower leaves off .ive also had fun with soil but i think i may be back to coco next round but its a good experience to have under my belt also big thanks @EP3
:coco:gor blimey governor, I should coco!:coco:
I was a soil grower for years but coco is now my jam!
For solo's that goes double!
All depends on your soil!
Not all soils are the same.
If you were using a light mix soil then yes you would need to feed.
If you used super soil then it is possible you could go without feeding.
However there is the fact that some plants are just damn greedy and some are lighter feeders.
You may find by watching your plant it will let you know it wants more food, if you know what to watch for.
Sometimes it maybe in need of some calmag or maybe some molasses for carbs when in flower.
It all comes down the how the variables stack up.
Type of soil?
How hungry a particular strain is?
Is it a plant that stays under a meter or is it one that will turn into a 2 meter jungle bush?
What is the make up of your soil and is it designed for a whole grow with no feed?
Always have amendments at hand even if you don't plan on feeding and just using ph'ed water because if you need it , you will need it quick, if a deficiency shows up.
Are you using myco's & bennies, these can help improve uptake and also make certain nutrients more available to your plant especially in organic soil.
How efficient are your lights? The more efficient the light the higher the demands can be for nutrients.
Are you foliar feeding your plants as well?
You may find if you use something like a supersoil, it may be too hot(strong) for young seedling and that you may need to start them of gently in a lighter soil/mix and then pot them up to the stronger supersoil.