New Grower Sanguine's perpetual auto grow

last update for the cheese xxl i'll be chopping them over the next couple of days, needed to get a decent final photo for the bom comp too
I literally broke half her branches taking her outa the tent for these pics, so tried (in vain) to tie her back up




didn't want to lift the other one out after that so heres a pic or twoi of the others still in the tent


2nd cheese cola

and one of the sour blues

max rep for whoever can guess the closest on dry weight of the bom nommed cheese
cheers for looking in as always my stoner friends
no pressure dude I would say 5 ounces plus easy fuck it 6 and a half ounces my final say ha ha
@Wile e Peyote and @jbmoviefan both great guesses but wile you were spot on! sour blues #1 it came in at only 179g wet so just over 1.5oz dry
The cheese #1 came in at 727g wet so 182g or just about 6.5oz dry super happy with this just doubled my best ever yeild. Going to chop the other cheese and sour blues tomorrow.
The yeild of the sour blues is dissapointing but i put this purely down to them being totally over shawdowed by the cheese. Going to stick to 4 of the same strain from now on.
Ill chop the other two in the next day or so
Nice dude double your yeild bet your made up some one is going to have a very mellow Christmas:)
yea mate i'll be stuck in couch lock for a week, but the trimming is a nightmare! owe you a slap too dude, your all repped out
cheers @Grim Reefer mate, here my little soil plants
triangle kush that's about day 50 something?



an auto mazar that I topped, probably fucked her up, but I just had to try it


and the g-14 in coco


right I need to go motivate myself to get these other plants trimmed!
cheers for looking in dudes!