watering her..or is she just picking up residual...?

If you are Watering...and she is outdoor...Move your PH point up a couple of notches....say from 6.5 to 6.7....

Instinct is saying to me..that the Colder weather..less light hours...means the PH in the Soil that the ladies are sitting dropping the PH..just a Hunch..:thumbs:

I was thinking of buying AN´s pH perfect nutes a while back. And i was asking around on AFN becouse i was wondering if they would work in a soil grow, correct to 6,whatever. AN´s pH-perfect nutes is mainly for hydrogrowing that acquire a 5,7 ph, and as you know mj that are grown in soil wants 6,5. I was told by Stitch among others that i didn´t have to worry about my ph when i while i was growing outdoors. The ph-issues that occur are appearently becouse that growing indoors is unnatural or something. I don´t know why the ph is such a problem when growing indoors. But i would sure like to know. :)
hi guy;s just seying hi here :booya:

