Wow all this for a little canna cake. :o thanks for all the love and karma!!! Happy Birthday AFN and I hope all of the wonderful people here have a happy and safe new year!
Wow all this for a little canna cake.

Ah..but the time and thought you put into making it for US is what makes us Happy....:booya: :booya: :booya:

A cannabis forum Birthday Party without Cake is Unthinkable....:smokebuds:

what would happen if we all got the Munchies..

I Loved all the decoration..and the little leaves..and the chocolate..
the chocolate..
the chocolate..mmm...mmm...mmm...

Do you Think if you FedEx'd some it would get her for Friday coffee on the beach...:lol:

I will be chopping this one down, on AFN's birthday :D

Bring in the new year with some crazy, purple frosty brack dragon? Couple side shots i took, I wanted to take a photo of the purple edges that are curling from the trich load underneath. The other blacker one is coming down too.. It has the colour on the leaf but not the buds.

nice bailer! my durtys are comin along nicely too!

check this out:

The Best Day Of Fishing Ever!

I've heard of salmon jumping into boats, but never anything quite like this...

Tom Satre told the Sitka Gazette that he was out with a charter group on his 62-foot

fishing vessel when four juvenile black-tailed deer swam directly toward his boat.


"Once the deer reached the boat, the four began to circle the boat, looking directly at us.

We could tell right away that the young bucks were distressed.

I opened up my back gate and we helped the typically skittish and absolutely wild animals onto

the boat. In all my years fishing, I've never seen anything quite like it!

Once onboard, they collapsed with exhaustion, shivering."

"This is a picture I took of the rescued bucks on the back of my boat, the Alaska Quest.

We headed for Taku Harbour. Once we reached the dock, the first buck that we had been

pulled from the water hopped onto the dock, looked back as if to say 'thank you' and disappeared into the forest.

After a bit of prodding and assistance, two more followed, but the smallest deer needed a little more help.

This is me carrying the little guy.


My daughter, Anna, and son, Tim, helped the last buck to its feet. We didn't know how long they

had been in the icy waters or if there had been others who did not survive. My daughter later told me

that the experience was something that she would never forget, and I suspect the deer felt the same way as well!"

a bit sad to see Sanctuary closing - but since there's cake I'm in!!! Nice work Gloworm :thumbs:

Happy happy birthday to AFN and all those involved with it. Great people and I hope theres many more years to come.

a bit sad to see Sanctuary closing - but since there's cake I'm in!!! Nice work Gloworm :thumbs:

Fickle Bugger....:D...distracted by a piece of chokky cake...:no:...guess what ever you are toking has the sweet munchies..:smokebuds:....

Mmmm..JM...the photos are missing..for Me anyway..

Bailer...them girls is Ugly Bro....:drool:..

I will be chopping this one down, on AFN's birthday :D

Damn...Good Idea Bro...cutting some down and putting some to germ..appeals to my supersticion.

I Think I will join fact..I might make it LBH's Ugly Sisters...

Instead of cleaning it nicely..I'll get a pair of tweezers..and pull the leaves out..One By One...
Maximum suffering..:twist:

Torture a Haze on New Years Days could become a Slogan....:crying:
Loving this one can see how Black her leaves are on photo 3 where you see the green leaf against it..mmm...mmm...mmm..

Photo 4..


Although you say white budded..I can see the black calyx tipping trait.

That belongs to she should be a good dominant...

Love the leaf is turning up more often than we should get good capture on it.

What are the you have one you prefer yet...?
Well the incence one is still my fav. The one below. It's not as colourful as the other's but it's that soapy incense kush smell. It is exactly the same as the purplekush. It soo stong smelling, it makes your head feel wierd when you smell her. Do not rub this plant or the whole room will fill with pungent soapy dank smell.. Really crazy little thing.


The one you like, has a sour cream smell/incence smell. If you rub the buds there is a coffee bean kind of smell too. It should cure into some really nice stuff.


This one has a nutty/earthy smell. In the last few weeks it has also developed a sour undertone too.


This one is not putting off much of a smell.. I get a coffee bean smell when i get right into the buds though. Just not as pungent as everything else.


Over all, there is some thing I like in every pheno. The smells are exactly what i get from photo kush lines. They don't smell like autos at all. I wasn't expecting what i got, that is for sure!!! From a kush lover, they are spot on.. :clap: