Nice looking ladies you got there Smokey. I have been thinking about trying the SCH but I need to move to smaller strains to fit in my cabinet. Maybe that Mi5 will be my next order.
I am going to have to pop the carbon filter on my cabinet exhaust soon, it is starting to smell a little diesely around here. Here are some pics of a few of my ladies.
that's a hell of a cabinet you got growing there Teflon...not surprised it stinking the place up
Mi5's may be a bit big for your space...the write up says they can grow anywhere from 50 to 110cm...mine is a couple of inches off 2ft (56cm) at the moment and has been flowering for a couple of weeks so i expect her to get a bigger yet
That definitely sounds to big. For some reason I was thinking they were one of their shorter strains but I smoke a lot so my memory is always suspect.
That definitely sounds to big. For some reason I was thinking they were one of their shorter strains but I smoke a lot so my memory is always suspect.

know what you mean...occupational hazzard lol
the blue himalaya is quite small and compact...grew pretty quick to start and flowered first out of all of them..
love to know the diffrences between that and the diesel cross
That's all Bailer, with some assist from FD too I believe. Bailer has been working his arse off to get things working proper. He's definitely getting it 'dialed in'. Site runs really well now.

A big THANK YOU to Bailer!

TBM is correct, Bailer did pretty much all the work, im more like his Tech check point.
He'll get stuck on something and id try to get him the info he needed.

hes a Beast at the software side as well as config.
Only seen one other guy that good and that fast.

Im more of a hardware kinda guy, i know the guts about the servers we run on.
mainly only because i work in a server farm all day.....
TBM is correct, Bailer did pretty much all the work, im more like his Tech check point.
He'll get stuck on something and id try to get him the info he needed.

hats off to the both of you...doing excellent work helping our (not so now) little community go from strength to strength:clap:
Damn Teflon some nice looking ladies you have there..

I gotta agree the site is running way faster. Thanks for your hard work Bailer. Making this a top notch site my friend.
I would also like to thank the guys that are responsible for creating and maintaining AFN. Your hard work is appreciated.

TY Hooka, I love my little bushes like family. I would put one in everyones home if I could, but since I can't I will just have to fit as many as I can in mine.
anyone seen or heard anything from k21701? haven't seen her about for a while...i miss those gorgeous girls she grows
@TD and smokey... just cauhght your pics here in the sanct... lookin great guys!!! :)

@ Bailer n FD... nice work guys... I can literally dance from thread to thread now!!! now if I can only get some time to get in here and hang... :)