4 o'clock in the morning...
and it looks like it's gonna be another sleepless night...
Morning Budz.........:smoke:
do not adjust your alarm-clocks..you haven't slept in..
just I have been lying in the dark since 3.30 am...
watching the minutes...Slowly...ticking by..
so I Thought..why waste the insomnia...
come in here and aggrevate..cough..I mean amuse...you lot...
Oh my bad... ur 25 liter styro pot at a glance looked like my 2.5 gal spring water pots... lol
Ah..Get you JM...:thumbs:
They are actually proper cannabis pots..made here in spain...
FD was saying that they are like the cooler boxes he gets his meat in.
They work Well..
if anyone sees similar that they can recycle..I'd recommend them too..
lol... well ya know... people dont talk about you unless you're up to something.... if we were boring... they wouldn't talk... lol
Ha ha..you have never lived in an ex-pat community Bro....
they IS scandal mongers..
if they don't know it they will make it up.
Luckily..I'm so anti-social..and a boring bastard..they leave me well alone.
One of my m8's dads died while he was over here visiting.
Someone overheard the discussion in the pub..
By the time a week had passed and the rumour came back into our pub it had changed to say that my M8 had died..
and it was such a shame..as he was only 45 years old...
(my m8 was livid..he was only 38..

A week after that..it came back into our pub..
saying that my m8 had left his Wife..for another Man..
OMG...did we get a laugh out of That one...we was Rolling..

Took him ages to live it down.
How the hell it got from his poor dad dying..to him turning gay..we never figured out..
But it tells you what kinda community we live in.