oeps wrong picture other wise Lady LBH get pist!!
@ LBH Shit... send her over... lol

Just wait until you get a chance to try it with another person! It's great!

I have DNA tests proving I've been more successful than I wanna be twice! lol

But I'd love to try it with a real person again... I wore my hands and feet out already.... lol
"The Haze brothers are tearin up the Sanctuary again" Somebody slip them an Indy J quick!

the Haze brothers no thats are my famelie from mexico and usa
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DAm mod remove name please!!
But I'd love to try it with a real person again (again?dont lie!!)... I wore my hands and feet out already.... lol
(again?dont lie!!)...

so your right hand callt marry and left nicole?

wen you come over here i pay for you first woman my welcome present for you
so your right hand callt marry and left nicole?

wen you come over here i pay for you first woman my welcome present for you

yeah and footsie and tootsie just up and died from exhaustion.... lol

deal! now I just need $1500 for the flight, and another $4000 for a place to stay and play money! lol December sound good? lol

@ Bailer... he couldn't have picked a better welcome present.... problem is when I "return" her.. she will be in pieces... I've got a lot of built up charge! lol

"That cutchie in TROUBLE today!"
hhahaahhaa sounds good i go opening here on AFN a colleting ( help JM get a women .....for 30 min) its a good corse it will be his first woman

(DAM bro i know now how you look but i reealy dint know!!!
i need too pay the working girl extra for you and i need too buy a brownpapper bag for your head!! if the girl even whane think on it too do with you?

but we cant be all good looking like me i know its not fair for you but you now understand (you know me too now)why lot of hot woman whants me!!!
lol... better be more than 30 minutes... at least for the second round and so on... lol

the problem is not that I cant get one... its that everytime I do they screw up my life! lol

(DAM bro i know now how you look but i reealy dint know!!!
i need too pay the working girl extra for you and i need too buy a brownpapper bag for your head!! if the girl even whane think on it too do with you

ok... ya got me.. i can wear a mask... and a smaurai outfit.... then they wont see how ugly I am... you dont think they'll do a sympathy session just for my looks? lol
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