There are more layers to it than an onion. They know how to push an agenda and drive people minds like cattle, Religion provides the base of shame or its opposite, moral superiority. The media exploits the fear and uses it's power of suggestion to drive the masses.You know teflon..I Think that might hit the nail right on the head..
it is Odd to see rational people with that kind of view...Brain Washing springs to mind.
One of the principle components of brainwashing is stress and bombardment. A stressed mind is more easily controlled these techniques are used by cults and intelligence agencies in hundreds of documented cases.
In America today they tell kids there is something wrong with them and give them Ritalin. Debt is piled on from the start in the form of student loans or court fines, if you are from that side of the tracks. And then the television radio and newspapers have orchestrated message that is meant to drive the distracted masses into JUST ABOUT ANYTHING!
You can't Have the population partaking in a substance that makes them less stressed and able to asses the world around them in real terms not from a programmed state of fear and hyper anxiety
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