i've put 2 super cali haze in to germ today, along with a blue himalaya, to go with the Mi5 i've already got going...the temps here are still 15c+ BUT....looks like there going to drop to around the norm of 9-10c next week so i've persuaded my good lady to let me start them under lights...maybe for a couple of weeks..
Smokey....See That highlighted Bro....That is gonna make your grow Worth it.
IF you take my advice...
try to Hang the missus out for 3 weeks indoor...up to sex....use your charms..

Plant the in Universal compo..no added ferts..
(though the bio root stimulator and perlite seem okay..and Unavoidable..)
As soon as they have 2 True sets of leaf going..start Veg ferts..
50%..see how they react...
IF they are okay..feed them every every 2-3 days up to sex.
IF your outdor conditions are crap..you will Not be able to Flower fert...
so you need to build them up in veg.
DON'T be Tempted to Start them in anything with pre-ferts..you will stumpy them.
Once they reach sex..start Hardening the off..for outdoor.
(This means..start putting them outdoor through the day..then bringing them in at night)
Then they will be ready to go outdoor permanant.
This is what I did with the big AK's...It Works a Treat..:thumbs:
Not cider vinegar..got a Feeling it has an Alkalising effect..(not proved..yet..)
get some
White Wine Vinegar..
Also..saw somewhere on site that the vinegar breaks down after 48 hours..
so That could affect your reading..
bubbliing affects the ph..
don't know if you are doing it or not....
But..IF you aren't..
I would put it on your Essential Kit list..
when you See the Difference it makes to plant Health..
it will become your new Best Friend......