wow ppl i not been around all week so i got some catching up to do but i notice no friday night trich shots ? well i know its sat morning but i got some for ya
Cheers camera..(or something...) is Pooped I'm running on Donated Porn..
Thanks Bro...
people will have missed their Friday Tric show...

Damn..just thought..I have some tric shots stashed of my Favourite Dragon..I'll bring them if I get time later.

Oh yeah, they are worth it!
More or less like a a laptop - a few differences,though...

Some of the games are a bit strange
That is okay..I don't play games..
I'm from the generation where we did Real things....:crying:
I do like a cut-throat game of Dominos though..with people..

The zit poper is too strange. heals Spots...
The app store itself is worth getting one.

I'm not gonna be able to handle it am I...:no:

I wouldn't mind having one to mess with but don't think I would carry it around with me a lot.
I know some hospitals are starting to test-run with them for charting med recs and restaurants for taking orders.
Once the price drops (and it will!) I might pick one or something like it up (maybe Samsung's new tablet).
I got a Netbook a few months back.
Love it & only US$200.
Doesn't have touchscreen but small, lightweight, great for traveling.
Take it everyday to work

I've gotta a B-day coming up..and someone suggested it might be nice if they all clubbed together..
I cannot see the point of them spending so much money on something I won't use.

Maybe I should get a mobile phone..and work myself Up from that...:lol:

they suggested I get a mobile Years ago..I'm Not having one..:dance2:

I'll have to have a Think...

Before you say has to be something Legit...
the Parents and the kids are contributing...and they like to see what I got..:smokebuds:
That is okay..I don't play games..
I'm from the generation where we did Real things....

I do like a cut-throat game of Dominos though..with people..

Same feelings here... though chess is my game

If they want to pony up he dough... get a really good microscope...
screw the mobile phone... that will only bring aggrevation as it rings off the f--ing hook! lol

ebay has a nice trinocular scope 40x - 2000x with bultt in 10MP camera for around $800 US
imagine the work that could be done! (not that you NEED more work... lol)
I will volunteer to grow and judge all entries for the auto cup :D

I agree with bailer.. a windows pad with usb ports would be sick
I Think if we Planned it for 2014...we might be able to Hold it on our Medical Licenced compound.
I have the Feeling that it is gonna be Legalised for Med Use here in the next few years...



3 years seems like enough time to drum up the needed hype to make it a success.
I'll put camp beds in the poly tunnels for you..

Everybody Immediately Cross your Fingers...ha ha..


sleep in paradise?


I will volunteer to grow and judge all entries for the auto cup

I Think if we Planned it for 2014...we might be able to Hold it on our Medical Licenced compound.
I have the Feeling that it is gonna be Legalised for Med Use here in the next few years...


3 years seems like enough time to drum up the needed hype to make it a success.

A do-able time frame!


Verify autos? well couldn't we mandate pictures of grow start to finish with a newspaper title in the shot with the date for everyday?
In fact.. it could be logged into the "archives" that way as well.. certified auto cup winners... or CACWA = Certified Auto Cup Winners Assosication lol

Oh just a lil comment: look where we're at! 3 months!

Stats AFN 3-13-2011 5-02-47 AM.png


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weekly picture updates with a newpaper could work! good idea bro. and 2014 does seem very do-able. Im in the mind set.. that there WILL be an auto cup in 2014... If we dont establish it.. others will.

What are the categories in the original cup? how can we adapt them for ours...
2011 is dream stage. 2012, we start to see our dreams come true.. and i can probably save enough money for the trip by 2014 :D