Ahhh.. the ultimate cross : Ipad X Black Dragoon... Priceless !

Cheers stoney..me camera..(or something...) is Pooped ATM...so I'm running on Donated Porn..wow ppl i not been around all week so i got some catching up to do but i notice no friday night trich shots ? well i know its sat morning but i got some for ya
:thumbs:Oh yeah, they are worth it!
More or less like a a laptop - a few differences,though...
That is okay..I don't play games..Some of the games are a bit strange
Aaaaiyeeeeeeeeeee...it heals Spots...The zit poper is too strange.
.....The app store itself is worth getting one.
I wouldn't mind having one to mess with but don't think I would carry it around with me a lot.
I know some hospitals are starting to test-run with them for charting med recs and restaurants for taking orders.
Once the price drops (and it will!) I might pick one or something like it up (maybe Samsung's new tablet).
I got a Netbook a few months back.
Love it & only US$200.
Doesn't have touchscreen but small, lightweight, great for traveling.
Take it everyday to work
That is okay..I don't play games..
I'm from the generation where we did Real things....![]()
I do like a cut-throat game of Dominos though..with people..
I Think if we Planned it for 2014...we might be able to Hold it on our Medical Licenced compound.
I have the Feeling that it is gonna be Legalised for Med Use here in the next few years...
I'll put camp beds in the poly tunnels for you..
Everybody Immediately Cross your Fingers...ha ha..
I will volunteer to grow and judge all entries for the auto cup
I Think if we Planned it for 2014...we might be able to Hold it on our Medical Licenced compound.
I have the Feeling that it is gonna be Legalised for Med Use here in the next few years...![]()
3 years seems like enough time to drum up the needed hype to make it a success.
The iTouch isn't a bad way to go.
Has most of the iphone & iPad features & capabilities.
It's more affordable too.
Or hell haven't you been wanting a new camera?
With all that gorgeous scenery around & of course pics for here too.
Here's a nice one that I've been tempted to get. Price has dropped to just about where I want it.
It's not the latest & greatest but it's a very good camera!