Get your vitamin D for Free.
Expose as much skin as you can to the sun..(even if it is cold)...for 15 mins a day.
Chronic illness sufferers are often victims of are in even more prone to Large vitamin deficiencies.
yup... I've actually been testing this... no colds... and drastically reduced "winter depression" as well as many other benefits...

Reminder to all those that follow the lunar planting calendar - today's the day to start popping seeds to get ready for Spring!
Thanks TBM! I usually dont go by lunar... but probably should I've heard results are even better! However... My first MMJ OT popped this morning! So perhaps I should get with the program!

Maaan..they named a piss test passer...artificial dick after ME.....

ROFL... now I had a real good laugh over this too!


Celebrate Da Herb.....damn....just celebrate being Alive..

Most definetly!
Jems are filling out and looking great. the Kush monster is confirmed preggo and bearing some seed. Looks like i have a couple fast finishing phenos in there too and it seems to be attributed to the white budded plants. the last F1 that i had out that had the color in the leaf was really really white.
Yeah..Another reason to Love the Whites...they are Faster..

So im thinking that i got a couple of females to do an IBL run on
I've just dried out the Bettys from the pheno I liked..put to germ yesterday....

Fingers Crossed we Both get Lucky...:D

Right! She's not into hot & spicy like I am. The only thing hot & spicy she likes is... ME!! Hahaha!
Ha ha ha...then can I suggest a nice aromatherapy massage...
touch of Clary Sage can lead to Euphoria...:thumbs:

Tears...literally have tears flowing from laughing so hard! :lol: <--this little smiley doesn't it do it justice to how hard I was laughing!!!

Good Start to the Weekend....Happy..Happy...Hour...

Hey Anon...

maaan lemon skunk needs to bless my grow room again.. i love that sht
I haven't tried it..
I must say it appeals..anything Citrusy Normally hits my Spot..:smokeit:

Safety Karma sent for your ladies braving the rought weather.. what dosnt kill them will only make them stronger
Cheers Bro...sure saved watering them today.

The storm moved off south...
it actually looks as if it is coming back at us....

I have been told that the forecast is dodgey all next week...
so we will see how it goes.
I have been told that the forecast is dodgey all next week...
so we will see how it goes.

Well we are supposed to touch 50 deg F twice this weekend with heavy reain... then clearout and be lower 40's in the day and lower 20's at night! A sign spring is finally starting to come around! I know I know... still cold as shit to you wiz... and me as well.. but better than 20 in the day and -'s at night!

I can wait to get my spring bounce on!
Maaan JM...I must have posted over you...coz you sneaked in behind me...

yup... I've actually been testing this... no colds... and drastically reduced "winter depression" as well as many other benefits...
Yup..that is why I was telling you to get your Dad out and about.

How is he BTW...
Feeling the benefit yet..or still getting over the shock..

ROFL... now I had a real good laugh over this too!

Maaan..see what it is like when you get old and grey....sigh.....
everyone picks on you......
pass an Oldie a doobie....:smokebuds:
FD.. maaan lemon skunk needs to bless my grow room again.. i love that sht. and im not sure if you missed the vid JM helped me post.. my cam sucks so you cant realy make out the purple.D

yep i did catch that and looks liek you got some goodies going on in there. I can see the color varaitions but id love to see a clear pic sometime.

and you are right that lemon skunk is fantastic. got me a few zips of it to hold me till harvest :) you can come share if you like. You too Wiz
How is he BTW...
Feeling the benefit yet..or still getting over the shock..

Maaan..see what it is like when you get old and grey....sigh.....
everyone picks on you......

pass an Oldie a doobie.

He is healing... but slow... seems a bit depressed but when I asked him he said he's just tired... able to drive again.... slow process I suppose.

We wouldn't pick on you if we didn't love you Wiz! It's only in good fun my friend!You shopuld be honored they name something like that after you! Damn, I'd love to be able to tell people my dick is so big its in multiple pairs of pants spread around the planet showing off for drug testers! lol


pass a doobie? you smoked the one I just handed you already? Damn! you likes you some blueberry huh? ok rollin another... heres a choco to tide you over :)

oh and heres a pic... Day 5 from dropin MMJOT first up.... (s)he's the anxious one!
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Doing the Happy Dance tonight!!!!:dance:

Chopped down Bubbles and The Princess tonight!!!!! :ama:


Fan leaves removed:


Main Cola came in at 48g!!!



Total wet weight 235g!!!! I am so fucking stoked!!!!! :jump:


The Princess: Total wet weight 70g

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Beautiful plants! beautiful... nominated bubbles for BOM photo of the month for March.. well done!
Thanks sweetheart!!!! I don't think I will have the same willpower with Bubbles as I did with The Queen about taking a test bud...she smelled up the whole house as I was trimming!!!