Morning zen....:smoke:
Good to see you Bro..and I hope your appearance means things are looking up on the personal time front.
I'm assuming Bailer has told you Good I'll just say...
karma comes round and goes round..
I hope it comes back in sack loads for you. :thumbs:
Morning ZERO...:smoke:
Feeling better than yesterday Bro Thanks..
but I know from experience that I will be off for a few days.
Slow and wooly brained..
so bear with me.
Pain and the following lack of sleep makes me grumpy....
I wouldn't care..But I was absolutely buzzing along with the the bicarb water..
felt so much better than normal for this time of year..then Bang..

ho-hum..I'm used to it.
Apologies in advance for SLOW service.
Wow...can somone please check their a photo..
I've just been in mine and the photos have gone from Big to bloody Enormous..
I don't think that I have touched any buttons..

but I did get a site FREEZE for about 30mins...
so I'm assuming it is a site thing..
anybody around to check for me please..?