New Grower Salts First Grow - 10 Six Shooters by 420fastbuds 2 Sour Stompers by Mephisto

@Salty whenever you put nutrients in the water (fertigation) all elements must be present in order to maintain the nutrient balance and availability to the plant. If you just fertigate with Cal-Mag then the solution will wash the "Balanced" nutrients away from the roots and only the Cal-mag will be present forcing a lock-out of other nutrients.


Never feed your plant nutrients that are out of balance and feeding a single element is the definition of out of balance. This chart is not in EC it is in weight PPM/liter. It is designed to give you the balance range for the elements in relation to each other. In order for a fertilizer to be in balance ALL of the elements must be present in the ranges displayed. It can be a really big range for many of them. Lets just look at the top 3 for example NPK 100,30,100 - 250,50,300 - 180,40,200 are all combinations that are in balance 50,50,300 is out of balance and can cause lock-outs.

Nutrient Guide.jpg

Fungus Gnats
First line defense (because you can buy these locally most everywhere) Yellow sticky traps, hang all around the tent inside and out. Diatomaceous Earth, sprinkle on the dry surface of the pot. This will hold you over until you can get some mosquito dunks which are a biological control not insecticidal. Break one up in some water for a few minutes then water in to the pot. Repeat if the gnats persist. Get some Nematodes If you do not want to use mosquito dunks. There is something sinister about sending in an army of worms .
